The Creation of The Controleromic 3000

Today Mr Burns (not the Simpsons one) assigned us a task to create a poster for a new video game controller, first we had to make a rough sketch of what our hypothetical controller would look like, I chose to create a controller where you could remove and swap the buttons around as well as attach a Joystick to the analog sticks (originally you would have to remove the analog stick entirely but I decided to scrap it for convenience reasons)

After we made our concept art and scanned it in we got to work designing the actual poster for our hypothetical controller in Photoshop. I chose to make my controller a light blue with blue buttons so that children (who are my target audience) will see the poster and go “man, that controller’s cool. gimme gimme gimme!” the same goes for the background gradient (which is a result of experimentation)

Overall I enjoyed making this poster

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