My creative media logo

I will call my company Slamination Stuidos (as you no doubt know from previous blog-post), this name (considering how I came up with it before deciding a theme) has decidedly had an influence on my theme which has ended up being cartoon basketball because “Slam” = a slam dunk and “Imation” = Animation, hence the name, “Slamination Studios.” I will use this name because it communicates the impact I want the films coming from this studio to have (that being a major one) while it also communicates the fact that I want to make animated films that make people laugh. also it’s alliterative

This Logo will include a basketball hoop, the ball itself (which then gets replaced by an anvil after going in the hoop), a basketball athlete and another guy (who the anvil falls on), most of these elements will tie into the basketball part of the theme while a couple of elements (namely the falling anvil and the cartoony style) will tie into the cartoon aspect of the theme. I want an orange background with black silhouettes of the characters and objects because basketball is typically associated with the colours orange and black (considering that’s the colour scheme of the ball) although I could theoretically have the “explosion” graphic the word “Slam” is inside take on a red, white and blue colour scheme so that it sticks out. but I’ll have to think about that one first.

The Logo will link to my theme because the logo itself will be drawn up, in something like pixlr, by me in a cartoonish style (because cartoons) and will feature a guy getting a slam dunk that turns into an anvil that slams another character’s head (again, because cartoons)

my feedback and concept sheet. The feedback also included how the writing was too small and could blend in with the background. 4 liked logo 1, 5 liked logo 2 and noone liked logo 3 (looking back, I can totally see why)

Some feedback from friends

after I drew some initial designs for my logo I sat with my friends and got some feedback from them, most liked number 2 (the one in the middle) where the mascot character is hanging from the hoops while the second character is behind his feet. the feedback I got gave me lots of insight and even gave me some ideas on how I could make it better, for example, one person mentioned that I could use the basketball as an “O” and also have the anvil in the form an “A,” another person mentioned that I could animate the logo (and thus combine logos one and two), people also mentioned how the writing was too small and compact and how the picture was too busy, this means I should spread out the writing and make it bigger so that it sticks out more and maybe even have the words and second character underneath the picture. Now that I think about this feedback, I could change the explosion so that it is two sided rather than one so that the anvil can be “A” shaped (“SL” will be on one side and “M” will be on the other side) while the basketball could become the “O'” in “studios” and then a clone could be in “Slamination” and another clone could be the top of the “i.”

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