Welcome to the personal jazz category

hey there, welcome to the newly made Personal Jazz Category! this will be the least formal category out of the bunch (so don’t expect consistent updates) as it relates to mainly non-college things. (I.E: Old Crossover Scripts I made, things I’ve learned along the way while creating and the like) The reason I’ve made this is because there are things I wish to talk about that may not be very relevant to my college work yet at the same time, are important to me, so in not wanting that stuff to bring me down later, I made this new category dedicated to it. feel free to browse and learn more about the contents yet to come. here’s a preview of some of what’s in store

some art I made of existing characters I didn’t create here
some zany crossover scripts there (as well as lessons I learned in writing them)
and some old, rejected and/or variant designs too

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