Super Tomorrow 3D Land: The Movie: The script: The Movie: The Script (Old, irrelevant and full of copyright infringement)

Characters n stuff: Casey Newton (the optimistic teen), frank walker (boy genius gone pessimist), Athena(the robot girl of no age), governor nix (future government villain guy), sonic the hedgehog (the fastest (and glitchiest) thing alive), Super Mario (princess rescuing plumber war hero), Pac man (ghost gobbler), Mega (Rock) Man (robotic hero and master copier), Miles “Tails” Prower (flying fox genius sidekick), Super Luigi (cowardly plumber brother who can bust ghosts), Knuckles The Echidna (master emerald guardian), AA (audio animatronic) leader (he’s a Robocop gone bad), Ty the Tasmanian tiger (Australian hero gone obscure), super sheep (AKA deus ex machina), Freddy fazbear(a children’s character gone murderer), bonnie bunny (sick with guitars), chica the chicken (PIIIZZZAAAAA), foxy the pirate fox (he be a pirate), sans the skeleton (pun loving monster), papyrus the skeleton (wants to be part of the royal guard), Mickey mouse (kind of a big deal), bugs bunny (best and smartest rabbit around), woody the cowboy (the toy with heart), buzz lightyear (a space ranger well not really he’s just a toy), Emmet brickowski (the special), Dr eggman (egg of a thousand evils), Bowser (princess snatcher), Rayman (limbless hero), sly (not the racoon the shadow knock off) and many many emoray (green text=character puns)

Frank: this is a story about the future and…

Mario: (singing) everything’s cool. It’s the future!

Frank: shut up Mario

Frank: and this is also the story about how I met these (pause) guys.

Sans: here’s a hint papyrus and I used a time machine to travel back bone about 4 months into the pasta.


Frank: just shut up ok! Anyway the future can be scary.

Sans: yeah it can be spooky scary skeletons. (Chuckles)

Frank: ok yeah puns we get it sans now let me finish.

Sans: ok then Finnish the story. (Laughs uncontrollably)

Papyrus: dag nabbit sans you just had to offend the Finnish thus 3D landing this movie into trouble.

Casey: really you wanna go with scary because this Lego cat thing and I are optimists and can tell this story much better.

Unikitty: positivity for life OR ELSE.

Frank: fine let’s just go back to my childhood

(cuts to 1964)

Young frank:  i gotta make this jetpack fast.

Young franks dad: (singing) how dare you try to make a jetpack work in hopes you may go and drop my jaw. My doggone jaws belong to me you shall perish if you break my rules. I’ll take these things of yours, see how you like it yourself. Now leave this project you stupid little kid if you know what’s good for your health.

Young frank: give those back

Young franks dad:(still singing) no.

Young frank: to the 1964 world’s fair then.

(time machine appears)

Nick Wilde: hey this isn’t my time

Young frank: are you from the future?

Nick: errrr no he is

(nick escapes through time)

(young frank uses bus to get to worlds fair with jetpack and walks to nixs building)

Young frank: I got a jetpack I made myself

Nix: does this garbage work?

Young frank: well err umm no


Athena: I like this boy


Athena: yes

(jump cuts outside the small world ride with Athena walking up to frank)

Athena: frank don’t turn around

Young frank: huh?

Athena: what did I just say?

Young frank: err who are you?

(Athena gives frank the pin)

Athena: I’m the future frank

(Time portal shows up spewing sans and papyrus while frank follows Athena using stealth)

Sans: hey papyrus

Papyrus: what is it sans I… wait a minute sans. Are those? HUMANS?!

Sans: err (pause) yeah but we probably should not be capturing humans in this timeline.

Papyrus: why not sans?

Sans: because we don’t wanna frisk messing up the timeline papyrus

Papyrus: oh alright sans let’s just follow them for now

Super sheep: yeah don’t bother just travel years into the future

Sans: good idea superman rip-off


(cuts to young frank heading to tomorrowland)

(Phinedroids and ferbots song starts playing)

Young frank: what are those?

Phinedroids and ferbots: (carrying franks boat to teleport station while singing)  Phinedroids and Ferbots
Phinedroids and Ferbots
Phinedroids and Ferbots
Phinedroids and Ferbots

We’re Phinedroids and Ferbots
And we’re stomping our feet
To the electric, magnetic, mechanical beat
We’ve got light bulbs for eyes
And aluminium noses
We’re busting chillin’ moves with our robot poses
(Busting chillin’ moves with our robot poses)

We’re Phinedroids and Ferbots 
And we’re here to stay
Now our work is done, we’re shutting down for the day
But we’ve learned our lesson
We’re switching to decaf all day

Phinedroids and Ferbots
Phinedroids and Ferbots

Young frank: ok then.

(walks into the teleporter)

Teleport computer: be safe teleportation gets real in 1 minute but here’s some future music

(plays instrumental of pitbull)

Young frank: oh shoot

Teleport computer: (plays nope chuck testa song and teleports)

Young frank: ow my head

Young frank: AAAAH ROBOT!!

Robot: um hey kid I’m a here to fix that jetpack o yours

Young frank: oooooooh thanks robot

Robot: your welcome oh and by the way (removes floor) HAVE A NICE FALL DOWN KID NEYH HA HA

Young frank: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh wait the robot fixed my jetpack (activates jetpack) WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO

Athena: whoa

Nix: the heck?

Young frank: it works now

Nix: (cries like baby Mario)

Athena: come with me frank

Frank: and then everything went bad


Casey: hang on let me tell the story

Sonic: no let me tell the story

Casey: why?

Sonic:  because the others and I didn’t just get here by magic you know

Casey: oh really?

Sonic: yeah man!

Casey: alright

(cuts to green hill zone with sonic and friends chasing the villains)

Sonic: drop the critters eggman

Bowser: um what about peach huh?

Mario: c’mon bowser you’ve kidnapped the princess so many time it’s practically my job now

Bowser: eh good point but STILL! (evil laugh)

Mario: mamamia bowser. Give me a break

Pac man: hey guys can’t we just call super sheep to help?

Mega man: well super sheep is too busy avoiding another lawsuit from superman right now

Pac man: oh ok

Eggman: it’s like they say see you later slowpoke the rib pains

(eggman and the villains escape via eggmobile)


Mario: err sonic looks like we have a new threat to deal with

Swows: you shall be defeated in another world

(sends our heroes to the tomorrow land world)

Casey: ok now can I tell the sto…

Knuckles: wait I also have a reason for being here

Frank: the audience don’t have time for this

Knuckles: no frank I’m important to the story too these guys watching need to know the master emerald

Frank: fine just don’t take too long this movie can only last so long

(cuts to angel island with knuckles guarding the master emerald)

Knuckles (in narration): I am the last echidna from my tribe whom long ago left me in charge of the master emerald, the most powerful emerald well at least where I’m from anyway, it is so powerful that it makes angel island float in the air, if the master emerald were to be stolen the island would fall into the ocean and just be a regular island.

Knuckles: EGGMAN?!

Eggman: oh yeah baby imuna steal that emerald your guarding there

(steals the master emerald using a claw)

Knuckles: hey give that back eggman!

Eggman: (singing) NOOOOOOOOOO

(eggman flies off to the portal)

(knuckles gives chase)

(eggman flees into the portal with knuckles following)

Casey: ok great now it’s my turn

(cuts to 2003)

Young casey: are you recording mommy?

Casey’s mum: yes

Young casey: I knew it

Casey’s dad: do your thing Casey

Young casey: ok thats…

(time portal spews out sans papyrus and super sheep)

Papyrus: SANS 3 MORE HUMANS this is my lucky day

Sans: but papyrus can we not just capture them at a later date


Super sheep: but guys we have time portals on our side meaning we have all the time in the world to capture the humans and make that superman my man servant.


Mario (2003): do not have any fears me and luigi will save the world from err I’m sorry your names are?

Sans: well I’m sans my brother is papyrus and the sheep guy is called super sheep

Super sheep: normally I’m going around super heroing in the future but I wanna make superman my man servant

Mario (2003): oh ok

(Time portal sucks sans papyrus and super sheep forward through time)

Luigi (2003): err ok?

Mario (2003): well it’s not like these guys are gonna be created in the future right?

(Cuts to 2015 with Casey trying to stop nasa’s deconstruction)

Casey: well let’s do this

(Places electrical disruptors on the cranes)

Casey: someday I will reach the stars

(Dimensional portal spews out the heroes)

Mario: mamamia where are we

Sonic: who knows?

Casey: who are you people?

Ty: first off who are you missy?

Casey: no need to be rude about it but I am Casey Newton and whom might you err guys be?

Mickey mouse: My names Mickey mouse and those other guys are bugs bunny, super Mario, sonic the hedgehog…

(Some time passes as our heroes walk to Casey’s house)

…and finally the two toys buzz lightyear and woody the cowboy.

Casey: I must admit there are a lot of names to remember at once

Sonic: get use to it


(Ty prepares his boomerangs for attack)


Casey: guys no that’s my younger brother

Super sheep: oh what for real’s man

(Sonic looks at super sheep with disappointment)

Sonic: dude did you really just say “for real’s man”

Super sheep: so?

Sonic: now the movies gonna be dated soon

Mario: well that sucks

Casey: what movie?

Pac man: do you not know you are fictional characters or something?

Casey: WHAT we are… not

(Deadpool shows up out of nowhere)

Deadpool: sure you are just look at that audience of me wannabes

(Casey looks at the audience)

Casey: err hi everyone

Deadpool: you know they can’t actually interact with you right?

Casey: oh great thanks buddy

Deadpool: you’re welcome and that’s my quota filled for this movie

(Deadpool disappears)

Mario: well that just sort of happened I mean we didn’t even participate am I right?

(the next day)

Casey’s father: (t-rex roar)

 Casey: hey dad why the sudden t-rex sounds?

Casey’s father: because those cranes shut down for NO REASON (pause) AGAIN!!!

Casey: weird

Casey’s brother: very weird

Sonic: oh yeah that happened lets go

(sonic and his pals speed off)

Casey: I’ll catch up

Casey’s dad: listen Casey we can’t do anything about nasas problem because the launch platform is being deconstructed

Casey: dad im gonna tell you a story about two wolves who are always fighting one dark and one light, which wolf wins?

Casey’s dad: (sigh) Casey

Casey: which wolf wins?

Casey’s dad: witch ever one you feed

Casey: good (throws apple at father) eat come on brother time for school

(a whole bunch of apocalypse talk)

Casey: can we fix it

Fix it Felix jr: I CAN FIX IT!

Wreck it Ralph: IM GONNA WRECK IT!

Casey’s teacher: (singing) NOOO-(stops singing) actually maybe

(later at night with the nasa launch pad)

(Casey places electric disruptors on cranes again)

Casey: wait where’s your Tasmanian friend?

Pac man: oh he just sort of went and attempted to advertise his games again

Casey: and the sheep?

Mega man: answering the heroic call as usual

Casey: oh

(Heroes climb over the fence only to find the police waiting)

Police officer: you tools are under arrest for damaging government property. Oh and your sheep friend has been arrested by order of a last name “man” first name “super”

(time portal spews nick wilde and Judy hopps)

Nick: wait what’s going on here? This is not our time either

Mario: well we are being arrested for “damaging property”

Sonic: good thing ty left

Casey: is that not him trying to escape via his boomerangs

Police officer: oh him he was arrested for physical assault on a bandicoot and a dragon

(cuts to jail)

Warden: you dolts have been bailed

Ty: finally it’s about time mate

Warden: yeah yeah we get it just don’t do it again

Pin man: ok hats, boomerangs, capes, shoes, pins and that’s everything

Casey: that’s not mine

Pin man: what’s not yours

Casey: the pin with the… (touches the pin) aaah

Mario: the heck?

Casey: I just saw a corn field

Sonic: are you insane?

Casey: no see for yourself (hands sonic the pin)

Sonic: by Jove there’s corn everywhere

Mickey: and a Disney castle looking silhouette

Sonic: how can you see this place

Casey: we seem to have our own pins

Mickey: actually I just keep one spare for some reason

(cuts to Casey’s father’s car driving home)

Casey’s dad: (fnaf 1 scream sound)

Mega man: (whispering) I think your dad has a screaming problem


Casey: you gotta see this pin


Mario: hey this guy gets it

Casey: come on dad

Casey’s dad: FINE

(Casey’s dad grabs the pin and sees nothing)

Casey’s dad: dag nabbit Casey stop the drugs

Casey: what?

Mega man: oh well you tried

Casey: wait what?

(cuts to bowser and eggman in a mystery location)

Bowser: alright eggman do you have the master emerald?

Eggman: yeah man do you have the princess?

Bowser: how can I forget her I’ve been kidnapping her for 30 plus years now


Bowser: who are you and where are we

Papyrus: let’s just say we want some business with your friends NEYH HEH HEH HEH HEH

Sans: err papyrus your laughter gave you away


???: whatever let’s just initiate our plan

Bowser: (evil laugh)

(cuts to Casey’s brother)

Athena: hello

Casey’s brother: umm

Dug the dog: hi there

Casey’s brother: cool dog

Athena: your sister ordered cookies and we are delivering them

Casey’s brother: she went camping with her friends she’s gonna be gone a couple of days

Athena: is that what you told your parents

Casey’s brother: those are Oreos and are you from the future?

Athena: you clearly understand

Dug: what?

Athena: go back to your master little doggy

Dug: oh yes my masters

(dug goes off to find Carl and Russell)

Athena: anyway why are you not telling me what I need to know

Casey’s brother: alright she went to go find a new pin

Athena: where is she looking

(cuts to the blast from the past store)

Ty: so let me get this straight for the sake of keeping the audience invested your going in a geek shop full of things from the past to look for some new pin thing?

Casey: yes

Ty: you wanna maybe umm I dunno buy my games while you’re in there?

Casey: (singing) noooooo

Ty: oh ok then

(opens the door)

Bugs bunny: eh what’s up doc this girl we know wants a new pin thing

Shop keeper robot w: oh hello what do we have here

(looks closer at pin)

Shop keeper robot w: hey come check this out man

(space doors open with star wars music playing)

Shop keeper robot m: welcome to the blast from the past sto-

(doors close before he can even finish the sentence)

(gets out of the space doors while the star wars music stops)

Shop keeper robot m: what do we have here?

Casey: this pin can I have a new one?

Mario: nice stuff you got there

Ty: yeah anyway do you guys have my games

Shop keeper robot m: (singing) nooooo

Ty: oh mkay mates man everybody sings the word no as if it were suppose to be a funny joke or something

Shop keeper w: listen kid where did you get this pin

Casey: I don’t know

Shop keeper robot m: $10,000 if you tell me where you got this pin

Mega man: err she doesn’t know man

Shop keeper robot w: was it a girl? Little girl?

Casey: I don’t know what you’re talking about have a nice day enjoy your freak out

Ty: cheapskates don’t even have my games for sale here anyway

(Robots pull out ray guns)

Shop keeper robot m: tell us where she is and you will be spared

(everyone except Casey prepares for attack)

Casey: this is a joke right?

(robots shoot upward)

Casey: AAAAH

Shop keeper robot w: where’s the girl

Casey: I don’t- I don’t know

(duck hunt duck falls through the ceiling hole)

(duck hunt duck shot music plays)

(heroes try to flee but almost get shot at)

(robots search the premises while random auditory references to things commence)

(robots find our heroes)

Shop keeper robot m: you will tell us about a girl

Casey: i don’t know any girl I told I- I- I don’t-

Ty: well he said tell us about a girl

Mario: how about princess peach she’s the princess of the mushroom kingdom

Shop keeper robot m: WHERE IS THE GIRL!


(Rayman and a time bomb fly through the window)

Rayman: ouch

Sonic: Rayman?

Rayman: huh

Super sheep: IT’S A TRAP

(Time bomb goes off as super sheep, Rayman and the robots get caught in the blast)

(Athena smashes through the window)

Athena: we have to go come on already

Pac man: what?

Athena: this is a time bomb it stops time but not for long

Mickey mouse: umm Sci-Fi pandering much?

Athena: the point is the sphere is collapsing and she’s in the line of fire. She needs to go or she will die

Mario: eh no biggie we fictional characters respawn after death all the time

Ty: yeah mate. death to us is nothing more than a minor inconvenience mate. where are the stakes?

Casey: I’m stuck you guys!

Sonic: but we are not

Athena: the moment you are free I will pull you clear. Ready?

Smash bros announcer: (as the sphere collapses) 5 4 3 2 1 GO

(Athena pulls Casey out of the line of fire)

Shop keeper robot w: the girl

Rayman: what huh who?

(sans and papyrus show up)


Sans: and the girl too papyrus

Papyrus: yeah and her too

Mario: you again?!?

Sans: him again?!?

Smash bros announcer: 3 2 1 GO

(Fight breaks out with random auditory references commencing and smash bros music playing)

Buzz lightyear: come on now why the me sound effects

Woody: now listen here buzz we gotta get outta here

Buzz lightyear: suddenly I don’t feel like being in this movie

Woody: right back at you buzz

(woody and buzz leave the movie)

(Knuckles bursts through the wall part way through the fight with the knuckles theme playing)

Knuckles: sonic?

Sonic: knuckles?

Sonic: what are you doing here?

Knuckles: one of your friends has a master emerald tracker

Casey: who me

Knuckles: of course and this robot girl tried to get in my way

Athena: it’s the villain who delayed me

Rayman: hey I was also fighting a robot girl

(Rayman and knuckles growling at Athena menacingly with her growling back)

Super sheep: guys let’s talk about this later because we gotta fight these robots and skeletons and we have to save the obvious references here

Athena: on it

(Heroes save as many references as they can while they fight the robots, sans and papyrus)

(Athena rips off a robot’s head)

Athena: we have to go now the robots are going to self destruct

(Building explodes with our heroes sans and papyrus escaping just in time)

(sans and papyrus hide from the others)

Knuckles: also who were those skeletons?

Mario: err I think they were called cramps and lapirus or something

Athena: let’s just go

Knuckles: I’ll stay here and look for the master emerald

Super sheep: I’ll help knuckles you guys go on without us

Rayman: yeah I gotta go too. I need to get back to the glade of dreams

(Athena and the others drive off)

Knuckles: you think the cameras gonna cut back to them

Super sheep: yep in 3 2 1

(cuts to the main characters)

Sonic: that’s odd

Casey: what is it sonic?

Sonic: I feel a disturbance in the forth wall

Mario: listen sonic we’re on an adventure and that’s all that matters

Mickey mouse: will you guys SHUT UP IM TRYING TO READ THE SCRIPT HERE

Mega man: just cue the song montage already

(Take on me plays as a montage consisting of nothing but driving plays out)

(Cuts back to the exploded blast from the past store)

Super sheep: knuckles it’s the police

Knuckles: maybe they can help us

Police chief: the fire chief said we were ok to poke around in here

Knuckles: me and my sheep friend are looking for the master emerald

Police chief: well we are here to help you I guess

Super sheep: (to the audience) boy if only your lives were like this

(truck shows up with the audio animatronic leader, Freddy fazbear and his friends)

Police chief: what is this

A.A leader: we are the secret services and we will be taking it from here

Police man: chief seen anything like this?

(Shows the chief the broken robot head)

Freddy: that’s great but you heard the man. Time to pack up your stuff and leave this case

Knuckles: what’s the meaning of this?

Freddy: are you ready for Freddy?

Chica: Freddy are you making references again?

Bonnie: Freddy this head is like broken

Foxy: yarr this be our case now

Freddy: no derp Sherlock

Sans: yeah you po-lice people need to get out of here

Broken robot head: (glitchey) was it a girl? Little girl?

(A.A leader vaporises the police)

(Knuckles and super sheep get out of here)

A.A LEADER: contact governor nix. Tell him we found the girl

Freddy: uh yeah hi we did not find the girl we found evidence of the girl

Papyrus: actually as much as I hate to say this but he’s right

Sans: well we are gonna be the big trend soon

Freddy: err no future skele-guy me chica bonnie and foxy are gonna remain relevant forever

A.A leader: of course we found the girl

(cuts to the main characters)

Casey: what just happened?

Athena: two A.A units targeted you for extermination

Casey: hang on A.A’s?

Athena: audio animatronics

Mickey: audio animatronics?

Athena: yes mouse man

Mickey: my creator Walt Disney made a thing called audio animatronics years before death

Bugs bunny: well Mickey looks like your audio animatronics have gone bad

Mickey: aw man

Mario: things going bad? That almost happened on a way larger scale

Casey: how so?

Mario: I’ll tell you later

Casey: lookout

Athena: whoa

(Presses down on the breaks)

(Casey races out of the car)

Athena: where are you going

Sly: watch where you’re going mates you almo- ty mate is that you?

Ty: sly! boy am I glad to see you in this convoluted mess

(time portal spews out nick and Judy again)

Judy: really nick? I thought you fixed this thing

Nick: hey I’m not a genius when it comes to time travel

Casey: you two again? You’re not getting away this time

Nick: ok fine we admit it we are time travellers from March 4th in the year 2016

Judy: umm nick they aren’t that frank guy from the 1960s

Nick: oh ok

(Athena gets hit by a truck)

Pickup truck guy: OH MY LORD IM SO SORRY

(Casey and friends steal the truck)

(Athena runs fast towards the truck)

Casey: no way

Sonic: err hi I’m just as fast if not faster than her in fact I’m faster than the speed of sound if not light itself

Mario: talk about easily impressed

Sonic: in fact watch me

(Sonic speeds around the world 18 times in about 4 seconds)

Sonic: see 18 times in about 4 seconds

(Athena breaks into the truck with Casey screaming to death)

Ty: can it shella me ears are bleeding to death

Athena: Casey I know you have no reason to trust me but do you wanna go forwards or backwards?

Mega man: well the script says we keep going

Casey: I’m driving

(cuts to knuckles, super sheep, tails and luigi in the sky)

Tails: hey look its sonic and friends

Luigi: and Mario too

Super sheep: you guys think we can reach them

Knuckles of course because we are awesome

(Knuckles and the others go down to warn our heroes about the robots and skeletons)

(cuts back to our heroes in the pickup truck)

Athena: we have to go but we need to find another person

Casey: who?

Athena: his name is frank. Frank walker

Casey: frank walker (falls asleep)

Mario: the star wars references are strong with this one. Darth Vader noises (X2)

(Later in front of franks house)

(Athena drives off leaving the rest behind)

Casey: what? HEY WAIT! Oh drat

Mario: (still asleep) ah spaghetti ah ravioli ah mamamia

(the others wake up)


Mario: hey the post box says frank on it. I wonder if he’s the one we are looking for

Pac man: according to the script yes

Casey: then let’s get moving

Sly: alright guys watch your backs this frank walker guy might have a welcome brigade for us

Nick: wha- are you saying because he doesn’t want us here he’s gonna try and kill us

Sly: yes mate

Judy: well police officers don’t leave their friends

Casey: I’m proud to meet another optimist

Emmet: well if you think your rabbit friends an optimist then you should meet Unikitty

Sonic: where did you and Unikitty come from?

Unikitty:  think positive be happy stay colourful and the future will be happy!

(guard dog shows up)

Casey: whoa

(Mario and the others prepare to attack)

Casey: wait where are his paw prints?

Ty: huh

(Mario and the others get out of the attack position)

(Ty throws a boomerang at the hologram dog)


Casey: cool

Tails: SONIC!


Mario: luigi and super sheep too!

Knuckles: guys this is important. Super sheep and I saw the police getting vaporised by a “secret services guy” Freddy fazbear and his pals were there and so were cramps and lapirus and they claimed to have “found the girl” whoever she is

Sonic: could eggman and bowser be involved

Ty: and boss Cass too mates

Mario: and our other villains

Casey: we must knock on the door

(Casey knocks on the door)

Frank: what do you want?

Casey: I want you to take us there

Frank: take you where?

Casey: to the place I saw when I touched this

(shows franks camera the pin)

(Casey and friends get knocked back)

Mario: show off

Frank: oh come on just leave

Casey: no

Knuckles: excuse us but we are here on important business and we need you to let us in

Frank: just stop trying

Super sheep: psshh (burns the tractor)

(Frank runs out to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher)

(Heroes get in franks house and close the door)

Frank: open the door you jerks!

(frank gets knocked back)

Mario: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH you just got trolled

Casey: hey what’s the dohickey with the thingy on it

Frank: you get away from that

(Casey activates the holo memory)

Young Frank: hey Athena you wanna hear another joke

Athena: no

Young frank: come on you gotta laugh it’s a biological need

Athena: no sleep is a biological need

Young frank: I’ve never seen you sleep either

Mario: come on man

(turns off recording)

Frank: let me in I’m serious

Casey: will you take us there?

Frank: oh sure let me grab my err OF COURSE NOT!


Casey: then you’re not serious

Ty: you we’re saying mate?

(Time card saying one “forever” later)

(Frank uses a secret stairs entrance to get in)

Mario: took you one time card to think of that strategy

Frank: whatever just get out

Casey: hey what’s this clock?

Frank: a doomsday clock

Casey: but we make our own destinies

(Doomsday monitors change for a few seconds)

Frank: who are you kid?

Tails: she err “Casey?” is it?

(security cameras show the A.A leader and friends)

Frank: oh heck they followed you here

Casey: who?

Frank: robots

A.A leader: Mr Walker you are now holding fugitive elements you can bring them to our custody. You have one minute to comply

Freddy: and on that note we still want the girl dang it come on where is she

Sans: yeah man you gotta bee stewpid enough not to comply

Papyrus: let’s just storm their house already

Bonnie: great idea

Foxy: yarr ya hear that looks like ye basically be playin five nights at Freddy’s to keep us out now

Frank: NO

(pushes the close all steel doors button)

Nick: umm you know that a one door shutting at a time system is kinda impractical because a person starting at one side of the house has a chance of breaking in



Mario: because you’re an idiot and I don’t really blame you because of what almost happened to everything long ago

Frank: and that would be?

Mario: tell you later mkay?

Sonic: err Mr George Clooney person we have a situation

Frank: oh right

(frank electrocutes generic A.A unit)

Casey: more over here

Sonic/frank: no sweat I got these (frank): A.A units (sonic): eggman robots

(Sonic homing attacks the A.A units)

Mario: Goombas and Koopa Troopas too?

Mario/luigi: lets-a-go

(Mario and luigi stomp the Koopa Troopas and goombas)

Frank: time to bail

Ty: sly and I have got your backs mate

Tails: great lets split

Chica: not so fast! Guess what time it is.

Casey: what time is it?

Chica: its pizza time you rebellious endoskeletons!

Foxy: yarr get schooled matey

Sans: looks like the future trends and robo dust magnets have really toasted you now

Papyrus: and I am the butter on that toast dude

Knuckles: not on my watch

(Punches papyrus’s head off)

Papyrus: oh man I should have quit while I was A head

Freddy: wait short stack skeleton did you just call us dust magnets

Sans: hey papyrus and I are from the future baby so yeah sorry idiot

Freddy: hey you take that back man this is not the future this is now and right now me and my crew are relevant dude Scott games for life baby

Sans: oh yeah tough guy

(Freddy, chica, foxy and bonnie get in to a fist fight with sans and papyrus)

Frank: we gotta go. To the bathroom!

Mario: but we’re surrounded by enemies’

Sonic: well that can be remedied easily

(jump cuts to franks bathroom)

Sonic: by jump cutting to this part of the movie

Casey: wow this fictional world stuff is great

Nick: I know right

Frank: just get in the bath

(the heroes get in the bath)

Casey: how is this a good idea?

(frank pushes a button and the bath becomes an escape pod)

A.A unit: you’re not getting away from m-

(bath launches into the sky)

Sans: wow the good guys got away

Freddy: just some friendly advice here don’t monologue just get them also me and my crew really need more focus

Papyrus: yep could not agree more fazbear

Freddy: so after we tell our bosses our failure you guys wanna go to Paris?

Foxy/chica/bonnie/sans and papyrus: yeah sure defiantly

(jump cuts to the villains)


Bowser: (breathing fire all over the place in a rage)

???: no matter I have devised a new plan involving them coming to us

(Villains do an evil laugh)

(Cuts to the main characters in a car with knuckles gets it started in here playing)

Athena: so frank how’s everything been?

Frank: well everything’s been hopeless so far with doomsday coming up

Sonic: hang on let me just (grabs a hammer with a positivity message attached to it) (bangs the hammer over the audience while talking) A SMALL CHANCE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE PEOPLE IMBRACE THE OPTIMISM OR ELSE UNIKITTY WILL BE ANGRY

Casey: sonic stop the audience probably looks hurt right now (turns to the audience) so sorry about my friend here

Mario: oh come on the audience outside the movie cannot feel the pain caused by a hammer inside the movie

Casey: oh good

Frank: (sarcastically) yeah real terrific

Casey: (cross) frank!

Athena: stay focus guys we need to get to the spectacle

Super sheep: what was that? Sorry I’m just keeping my eye out for superman

Casey: what’s the spectacle?

Frank: it’s a one way ticket in. Wait when was the last time you checked Athena?

Athena: 25 years ago

Frank: they threw you out too huh

Super sheep: guys we gotta (deep breath) save the world

Mario: we get it

Casey: hey whats this thing

Frank: don’t touch that thing that is a 1 kiloton detonator it is not a toy and stop messing with my stuff

(car stops outside a station)

(Heroes get outta the car and go in to the building like cool people)

Sonic: well that was some good trailer fodder am I right?

Frank: ok well lets teleport

Knuckles: hey what are those blue wires? IS THIS MASTER EMERALD ENERGY?!

Casey: is this hooked up to a satellite?

Frank: do I have to explain everything? Can’t you just be amazed and move on?

(Knuckles looks at frank suspiciously)

Athena: let’s do this

(heroes get in the teleporter)

Frank: now I must warn you to put on these goggles, these ear defenders and taste this powder

(prepares Casey and himself for teleportation)

Frank: now you will lose about 90% of your blood sugar

Mario: err yeah hi most of us are made of computer code you know. And on that note two of us on this adventure are made of ink and paint. In fact the computer code is what allows those of us that are made of it to be who we are right now. Unfortunately However if someone were to hack in to the computer code we are made of then they can change us from within.

Frank: well zippidy doo da for those of you who are

(Heroes teleport to Paris)

Casey: (gasp) (wheeze) I’m dying (gasp) (wheeze)

Frank: no you’re not. There’s coke in the fridge

(Casey downs the all the coke in the fridge)

Frank: well help yourself but follow me and do as I say because there are most likely many robots out to get us

Super sheep: umm hi how long has it been since you’ve apparently last been here again? Umm 25 years ago THAT COKE WOULD BE WAY PAST OUT OF DATE

Athena: well it’s actually never aging coke

Super sheep: ooooooooh heh heh riiiiiiight (cough, cough) product placement  (cough, cough)

Mario: where are we anyway?

(Casey walks outside to find out that our heroes are in Paris)


Frank: oh come on don’t be like that

Casey: but you said-

Athena: these robots are just below the Eiffel tower
(cuts to Gusteaus)

Freddy: ah see its nice getting to know each other even if some of us come from the future

Sans: it’s no grillbys but it gets the job done

Freddy: remind me again what is a grillbys?

Metal sonic: there’s the girl and her friends

Foxy: yarr what be we waiting for lads lets sock em to the top of the tower maties

(Animatronics and skeletons start chasing the heroes)

(Cuts back to the top of the Eiffel tower)

Frank: now the security are looking for us and Casey you might not have your facial recognition profile uploaded yet

Casey: may not

Frank: may not now yo-

Super sheep: umm hi you have me on your side and-

Superman: YOU

Super sheep: whoop gotta run bye tee hee

(Super sheep flees because he is being chased by superman)

Frank: anyway here’s this thing that can help you determine what’s what. If its human it will knock em right out and if it’s a robot

(Uses it on Athena)

Athena: hey

Frank: well it will just annoy them

Casey: ok

(walks up to the Eiffel tower gaurd)

Guard: non non non la tour ferme désolé

Casey: ah yes (knocks the guard out) HUMAN

Ty: brilliant mate

(heroes get into the secret room)

Mario: hey there’s a sign here “my name is Chris Houlihan. This is my other top secret room. Keep it between us, ok?” huh I wonder if my pal link knows about this Chris Houlihan guy.

Frank: now there is some history here with-

Athena: frank stay on topic

Frank: fine

Frank: the four hid an entrance to tomorrow land in case of emergency

(frank opens the rocket)

Casey: this is a rocket?

Frank: yeah it is

Mario: overkill much?

Athena: guys the villains are coming

Frank: well lets go

(cuts to the French people reacting to the rocket)

(cuts to a French news report)

French newscaster: dernières nouvelles il se trouve la tour eiffel est pas seulement un monument que nous avons construit pour le bien de garder l’éclair satanés loin après tout ce qu’il est en fait un sacré sacrément sacrément sacrément Darny base de lancement pour une fusée comme sérieusement vous les gens devraient aller à l’extérieur en ce moment tandis que son toujours spécial avant la tour eiffel remonte à être un monument que nous avons construit pour maintenir la foudre satanés loin oh et pourquoi ne pas vous prenez une photo avec votre ipads, iphones, caméras et vous, les caméras olde il durera plus longtemps jusqu’à ce que vous perdez finalement dit image, mais son tout numérique maintenant alors qui se soucie de vieilles caméras fashioned suis plus i droite? oh et papier mario éclaboussure de couleur ressemble beaucoup. comment puis-je savoir que les jeux vont existent? PARCE QUE JE SUIS PSYCHIC

(cuts to freddy fazbear and friends running up the tower)

Tower guard: oh non non non vous coureurs ne cette tour est fermée maintenant dukies

(Tower guard gets vaporised)

(cuts to the main characters with an alarm sound)


Frank: well get in quickly

Papyrus: not so fast

(Papyrus blocks the way)

Papyrus: now you have to fight me and sans

(Heroes get past a distracted papyrus and in to the rocket)

Sans: um papyrus they walked right past us

Papyrus: well how let’s get in the rocket then you smart Alec Baldwin

Freddy: well that’s the most genius idea you “skeleton brothers” have had all week

(Freddy, chica, bonnie, foxy, sans and papyrus sneak aboard)

(cuts to our heroes in the rocket)

Casey: whoa cool

Sly: I’ve gotta go mates see ya

Ty: bye sly me old mate

Frank: ok everyone in your seats

Casey: so excited for this trip

Mario: hey what’s-a-this now


A.A unit: oi vous héros donnez maintenant ou le risque d’être résilié par nous

Frank: what did he say Athena

Athena: pretty much what you’d expect

Metal sonic: prepare to be terminated

Frank: well tell him to hang on

Athena: pour votre sécurité accrocher s’il vous plait

Mickey mouse: ok then

(rocket launches)

(cuts to Remy from ratatouille reacting to the rocket)

(rocket causes a power surge)

(A.A unit and metal sonic get knocked off)

(rocket rockets off in to space)

(cuts to the rockets interior)


Mario: (bored) oh yeah space been there done that twice now in the mainstream series

(Papyrus jumps at our heroes)

Papyrus: now prepare to fight me



(Ty leaves his seat)

Ty: oi mate your going down

Papyrus: try me bro

(Papyrus’s theme plays)

Ty: oh boy

(Ty throws his boomerangs at papyrus)

Papyrus: well I hope you’re ready for my fabled blue bone attack

(papyrus uses his blue bone attack)

(Ty dodges the attack and bites papyrus)

(Sans appears)

Papyrus: oh you. (turns to sans) ready for this sans?

Sans: oh yeah defiantly let’s do this brother

(Sans and papyrus attempt to fight Ty while the rocket is teleporting to tomorrowland)

(Freddy and his crew get revealed)

Freddy: are you ready for Fred-

(rocket crash lands in tomorrowland)

Freddy: oh no we’re all experiencing space ship crash boys

(Rocket stops knocking everyone out)

Frank: hey Casey wake up we’re here

(Heroes, sans, papyrus, Freddy, chica, bonnie and foxy get out of the rocket)

Bugs bunny: eh what is this place doc?

Frank: this is tomorrowland. Athena take this

(frank give Athena the 1 kiloton bomb)

Casey: wait isn’t that the 1 kiloton bomb you told me not to play with?

Frank: well right now it’s our insurance policy because they are probably gonna try and kill us right out of the gate


Ty: well prepare to have your expectations ruined Mickey me old mate

(Governor Nix’s ship shows up with police ships following)

Papyrus: (whisper) quick guys let’s get them

(papyrus and the others capture our heroes)

Casey: hey what the-

Mario: oh no now I know how the princess feels every day

Sonic: whoa no

Pac man: hey get your hands off me

Mega man: oh geez stranger danger

Ty: whoa I did not see that coming

Frank: gah

Athena: oh no its a trap

Mickey/bugs: you think (bugs): doc


Athena: I’m an audio animatronic you idiot

Papyrus: oh ok then

(nix gets out of his ship)

Nix: frank. It’s been a long time

Frank: yeah well age becomes you. You wanna try it?

Nix: no thanks i think i’ll just keep taking my shake every morning. Comes in chocolate now

Frank: mm yum

Frank: Athena I was beginning to think you were never coming home

Papyrus: now where’s our pay check boss

Nix: oh yes I’m afraid that won’t be necessary anymore


Sans: my brother papyrus is right you did promise to pay us handsomely

Nick: looks like you got scammed

Judy: oh nick even when we’ve been captured you make witty remarks to people

Freddy: no pay? Well that’s a Debby downer

Bonnie/chica: WHAT NO PAYMENT?!

Foxy: yarr that be unfair maties

Nix: yes that’s a shame. Now frank on the terms of your exile what the heck are you doing here?

Frank: I think she can fix it.

Nix: I’m sorry who?

Frank: her

Casey: oh hi I’m Newton Casey Newton and whom might you be sir?

Nix: David nix nice to meet you and your umm. Oddball group of err friends over there


Casey: also what am I suppose to fix?

Nix: The world misses Newton he thinks you can fix the world

Knuckles: so “nix” do you know anything about eggman and the master emerald

Nix: nope I don’t know anything sorry.

Knuckles: (suspiciously) right then.


Mario: now hang on a minute why don’t we explore the city

Sans: actually I agree let’s explore the city for the audience sake

Freddy: sounds cool let’s do this

(Cues a montage of the characters exploring tomorrowland with pictures and footage while holiday road by Lindsey Buckingham plays in the background the entire time)

Nix: well now that that’s out of the way to the monitor

Papyrus: that was actually a fun tour scene

Foxy: yarr I be agreeing with ya matey

(Characters go to the monitor)

Nix: welcome back to the monitor frank. Really something isn’t it?

Frank: yep

Sonic: that’s the monitor?

Nix: of course

Mickey: and are those are phinedroids and ferbots you’re stealing right now?

Nix: well I wouldn’t say stealing just permanently borrowing them that’s all

(nix brings down the elevator)

Nix: don’t worry about the light show. It’s perfectly safe

(Characters get on the elevator)

(elevator ascends)

(flashes of future start appearing)

Casey: what are those?

Nix: flashes of future. Made from tacions particles that are much faster than light

Mario: ok then where are the princess and bowser?

Sonic: whoa n-n-n-neat

Frank: I’m sorry sonic is something wrong?

Sonic: (glitching up) ma-ma-maybe wh-wh-w-w-why are you co-co-concerned dude?

Frank: just asking.

Mario: umm guys I think Sonics’ glitch disease is back again.

Casey: glitch disease? What’s that? Is it bad?



Pac man: (startled) OH GEEZ sorry Mr Narrator sir explain

Narrator: now glitch disease only really affects video game characters that have made a glitchey game recently. It’s a disease that has only been discovered since the 1980s’ however it is said that it has been around since video games began being a thing and some of its effects can really be dangerous. In fact we still don’t know everything about it. However there is a cure that was developed just recently called either the “patch” or the “update.” In fact glitch disease is the reason the fictional world itself almost went down it is that powerful. Now some symptoms of this are walking through solid walls, personality change, physical change, speech impediment, randomly teleportation out of the boundaries and if it’s a really bad case, turning into a giant glitch monster of doom and destruction and trying to destroy every plain of existence ever created.

Casey: that serious?

Narrator: yes now your friend sonic over here is a weird case because he’s had this glitch disease since mostly 2006 however when we “cured” it he seemed just fine until sonic boom happened in 2014. Poor guy he’s had enough backlash and sanic memes on the internet as it was however with boom more just came his way. Wait what’s that? Oh ok.

Casey: what?

Narrator: remember when I told you Sonics’ glitch got cured back in 06?

Casey: yeah why?

Narrator: it turns out I was lying to you. Sonics’ glitch disease was actually laying dormant until 2014

Sonic: so I’m gonna remain glitchey forever?

Narrator: possibly


Athena: there there

Nix: well forever might not last much longer

(elevator stops inside the monitor)

Nix: now we’ve made some enhancements but the monitor still operates on your original algorithm frank. You have something to show me frank? Show me

Mario: so the monitors just a glorified giant screen that uses glorified virtual reality Imax 360 degree 3D technology

Frank/nix: I guess you could say that if you wanna put the monitor in a nutshell

Casey: well let’s do this

(monitor turns on and the controls appear)

Frank: pick anywhere in the world

Casey: what?

Frank: Any locations pick one

Casey: Canaveral. Cape Canaveral

Mario: did someone say cape?

(Mario uses a cape feather)

Mario: Wahoo

(Mario flies around)

(nix punches Mario out of cape Mario form)

Mario: hey what was that for?

Nix: you and your stupid cape now let her use the monitor

Mario: fine

(Casey uses the monitor to get to her house 3 days ago)

Casey: this is my house

Mickey: time travel it does wonders.

Casey: this is 3 days ago

Nix: well with us being able to harness the faster than light nature we are able to do things with it than we would otherwise.

Casey: such as seeing backwards in time

Frank: not just backwards

Casey: you gotta be kidding

Frank: nope

(Casey goes to the launch pad and goes forward in time)


Casey: what happened?

Nix: keep going. Just a little bit further.

(Casey keeps going just a little bit further only to find the apocalypse)

Sonic: geez I did not know my fan base would literally destroy the world if I did not make sonic adventure 3

Nix: oh no this is not just your fan base Blue dude this is everyone on Casey’s precious earth and the so called “real” world

Casey: when does this happen?

Frank: this is 58 days from now

Casey: 58 DAYS!

Nix: yes

Casey: so why aren’t you telling anyone? The whole planet is gonna die and your just sitting here?

Nix: we’re not gonna die. This is your world not ours

Casey: then why don’t you let people in?

Frank: tell em David

Nix: you see these people they’re driven by savagery

Nick: oh boy savagery

Judy: tell me about it

Sans: everything’s just gonna get reset anyway so who cares

Nix: well this apocalypse has already happened you just haven’t accepted it yet

Casey: well I don’t accept it

(Monitor changes for a couple of seconds then changes back)

Papyrus: hey things changed for a couple of seconds

Freddy: maybe we should bail from this plan

Sans: could not agree more

Frank: David you saw that right I know you saw that this means there’s at least a chan-

(nix knocks frank out)

(cuts to the deport area)

Frank: whoa what happened

Athena: apparently your 1 in 1000 variable was not enough to change his mind

Sans: yeah I feel kind of sorry for you and your friends

Papyrus: well I must admit that 1 in 1000 variable was enough to convince me, sans, Freddy, chica, bonnie and foxy to bait and switch sides

Sonic: th-th-th-this stinks

Casey: well if your gonna zap an idea into people’s heads make sure it’s the truth because you can’t just zap- (has flashbacks to earlier points)

Frank: we can’t just what?

Casey: (realisation) an idea into everyone’s heads. Frank how did you do that?

Frank: do what?

Casey: your doomsday clock your doomsday machines you we’re boosting the signal from that monitor thing how did you do it?

Frank: well they are putting so much power into it that even a ham radio can pick it up its just a matter of finding the right frequency.

Sonic: overkill much?

Mario: not as overkill as E.T.

Casey: ok can you please tell us what you are talking about Mario?

Mario: fine. Long ago in the year 1982 the character E.T. got created. I was assigned to be his tour guide to the fictional world. He and I became the best of friends. Until his game got released and he got glitch disease so he became my worst enemy. Then in 1985 after E.T.’s invasion was already almost over I had a team which consisted of me, the duck hunt dog and ducks and R.O.B the robot. We founded a resistance to kick E.T. out called operation N.E.S and we won. In fact I still have the weapon that I used on him which is called…

(pulls out the N.E.S zapper)

Mario: …the N.E.S zapper

Casey: so Mario you had a bad time with E.T right?

Mario: yes and I still have flashbacks to this day

Casey: back to the monitor so it must be like a giant pin only instead of making you think positively it makes you think negatively. And it’s convincing the world to feed the wrong wolf!

(heroes run to portal room as a portal to a desert island is opened by nix)

Nix: ah you lot have arrived just in time to be transported to this desert island. Looks uncharted and like a good place to spend your last days.

Frank: nix we’ve realised that the monitor may not just be receiving tacions

Casey: but it is taking a possible future and amplifying it. Transmitting it like a signal boost

Sans: it’s basically a self fulfilling prophecy and we’re the ones who are responsible for lighting the fuse

Nix: listen i don’t have time

Judy: what? These guys are telling you what it’s doing and you’re not listening?

Nick: I wonder why that is the case. Is it possible that he and some other bad guys are the ones doing it?

(Bowser and the other villains reveal themselves)

Bowser: you’re darn right we are




Nix: well now the good guys will listen to me monologue for way too long rather than us killing them on the spot

Nick: (sarcastically) oh no a monologue how intimidating

Nix: lets imagine that you decided to glimpse the future then got scared by the terrifying things you most likely saw what are you gonna do with the information? You would go to the world leaders, captains of industry? And how would you go about convincing them? Using data, facts, evidence even? Good luck to you my friends. The only facts nobody ever challenges are the ones that keep the wheels of the world greased and the money rolling in. But what if there were a way to skip the middle man entirely and place the critical news straight in to everyone’s head? The probability of wide spread human annihilation kept going up. So I thought the only way to stop it was to show it and scare people straight because what reasonable human being would not want to do what is necessary to stop the potential destruction of everything they’ve ever known, loved or held dearly? To save the world I would show it being destroyed. But how did everyone received this vision and think about the prospect of imminent doom? They gobbled it up, like your friend Pac man gobbling his pellets. They never feared their demise they just re-packaged it. It could now be enjoyed as video games, tv shows, books, movies. THE ENTIRE WORLD! HAPPILY DECIDED TO EMBRACE THE APOCALYPSE AND SPRINTED TOWARDS IT WITH GLEEFUL ABANDON! Meanwhile their earth was crumbling all around them. They have epidemics of disease, starvation, obesity and racism! Explain that one to me! Animals start disappearing, ice glaciers melt, algae blooms. All around them the world is being destroyed yet they won’t take the hint! Even the ones sitting right now in the audience watching this movie are not doing anything! In every moment there is the possibility of a better future but these people won’t believe it. And because they won’t believe it they won’t do what is needed to make it a reality! So they dwell on this terrible future and they resign themselves to it for one reason. Because that future doesn’t ask anything of them today, yes they saw the iceberg and warned the titanic. But they all just steered for it anyway full steam ahead. Why? Because they want to sink, they gave up. And that’s not the monitors fault. It’s theirs and yours. Put them through

(Heroes get pushed closer to the portal)

Nix: frank it was really nice seeing you again

(nix and frank shake hands but frank pushes a button on nix’s watch)

Nix: what are you doing?

Frank: not giving up

(Heroes start fighting the villains)

Nix: guards get them

(A.A units and metal sonic show up)

(phinedroids and ferbots show up)

(bowers minions show up)

(the rest of the villains minions show up)

Ty: looks like we have quite a fight upon us mates

Athena: Casey the bomb

Casey: oh the bomb

(Athena throws Casey the bomb)

Casey: got it

(Runs towards the ascending elevator)

Eggman: get the bomb

(all minions go toward the bomb)

(giant killer robots show up and attempt to kill Casey)


(Freddy stomps a goomba)

Sans: come on guys we gotta use our strongest attacks

(Sans uses a gaster blaster on some A.A units)


Sonic: that’s the spirit

(cuts to Casey on the elevator)

(flashes of future appear)

(elevator suddenly shoots down)

(cuts to frank and nix fighting)

Frank: Casey!

(frank pushes the up button on nix’s watch)

(elevator goes up)

(nix presses the super down button on his watch)

(elevator goes down too fast)

(Casey loses the bomb from the impact)

Casey: where is the bomb?

(Casey finds the bomb only to realise she has too little time so she throws the bomb through the portal)


(nix and frank get back to tomorrowland just in time)

(heroes stop fighting and let their guard down)

Eggman: sock em

(heroes get caught by the villains minions)

Sonic: nope

(sonic escapes and goes after eggman)

Knuckles: go sonic. Bring him down

Sonic: you’re going down egghead

(Sonic attempts to homing attack eggman)

(Eggman teleports thus making sonic miss)

Sonic: what the heck?

(Eggman traps sonic)

Tails: it’s a trap!

Swows: yes it is

Mario: YOU AGAIN?!

Bowser: hey listen you this is our time for revenge

Swows: I’m also a villain

Eggman: ooooh you must be Swows

Boss Cass: Swows huh? What’s he gonna do

Swows: THIS (shoots nick a savage dart and sonic with an evil glitch disease amplifier)

Casey: OH NO. Come on guys fight it.

Judy: not this again even though it’s technically 2015 which to me and nick is the past therefore it’s the first time and you know what it’s best if I don’t think about it too much

(Nick and sonic turn savage/evil)

Mario: mamamia it’s-a-happening all over again


(Athena sees frank and Casey getting spindashed to death by sonic in a vision)

Athena: frank look out

Frank: what? (Sees sonic spindashing toward him and Casey) WHOA

(Athena jumps in Sonics’ way and gets spindashed to death)

(sonic glitchey growls at the heroes)


(Sonic lunges for Mario)

Mario: or not

(Mario punches sonic and runs)

(Judy cures nick)

Nick: oh thank goodness

Pac man: umm sonic what are you doing

Mario: it’s just like E.T. all over again

(Sonic turns into a giant glitchey monster of doom, death and destruction)

(super sheep and Rayman show up)

Super sheep: we gotta get your robot friend to a repair ward or something!

Frank: let’s go

Casey: what happened is she ok?

Athena: frank! No one’s going to repair me. Not in time

(Sonic creates a portal to the real world and expands himself into it)

Mario: mamamia it’s even worse than I thought!

Athena: (broken) we have to hide.

(heroes hide in the safety of a ruined pillar)

Rayman: what is that giant glitchey monster of death?

Knuckles: that my limbless friend. Is sonic the hedgehog gone rouge!

(Athena starts shutting down)

Athena: oh no. I’m shutting down (X2) (glitchey) if I lose sync it’s not failure

Nick: oh come on you can do this come on fight it

Athena: I need to tell frank the truth before the automatic program kicks in

Frank: what do you gotta tell me

Athena: (glitchey) frank I never thought being a machine was bad until I saw your face when you found out I was.

Frank: don’t worry too much I always knew.

Athena: no you didn’t

Athena’s program: systems failing activating thoughts saved for frank walker

Athena: log 15 September 1965: frank was looking at me in a way I could not recognise. It seemed obvious to tell frank I was an audio animatronic. But I was concerned about the effects of him finding out. He has great potential and I do not want to damage it. He needs support and I am fulfilling that need. He’s the best recruit I ever had. Log 22 October 1965: I am beginning to have unusual thoughts toward frank walker. I suspect it to be a flaw with my empathy interface. I was considering reporting it but I didn’t and I am unable to explain why. Log 78 April 1984: frank walker has been banished by governor nix. He says he has lost hope and he holds me responsible for having giving it to him in the first place. I cannot understand this. He says I never will because I do not feel anything even love.

(Mario wells up in tears)

Athena’s programming: end recording

Athena: I was designed to find dreamers. I found you only to end up losing you until I found her. Casey. (Glitchey) dreamers need to stick together and that’s not programming its personal.

Mario: (tear filled) that actually hits home considering me and the other video game characters are nothing more than a bunch of ones and zeros.

(Athena’s self destruct timer activates)

Athena: (glitchey) the monitor. Frank the bomb is gone but not me yet. We don’t have much time. Use my self destruct. You know what to do frank. Get it right this time.

Mario: great plan Athena. Frank and Casey will use the self destruct. Me and the others will keep sonic busy in the real world

Casey: WHAT?!

Mickey: we’ll see you on the other side

(Mario and the other heroes and villains jump into the portal to the real world)

(frank jet packs Athena to the monitor while dodging Sonics evil glitch arms)

Athena: frank. Do you want to know why you could never make me laugh?

Frank: why?

Athena: because you’re not funny.

Frank: good bye Athena. (frank drops Athena)

(frank sees to his surprise the master emerald)

Frank: so this is the master emerald

(Frank flies and grabs the master emerald just seconds before the explosion)

(the monitor explodes)

(cuts to Casey watching frank jetpack back to her safely)

Casey: phew I thought you were done there frank

Frank: speaking of being done I wonder how Mario and the others are getting on?

(Cuts to Mario and the others in the portal to the real world)

Mario: get ready guys

(Mario and the others make it to the real world which is under attack)

Metal sonic: primary objective: destroy the glitchey monster before it tears up the very fabric of existence

Freddy: great Idea

Sans: ok let’s do this thing you guys

Papyrus: but we have to destroy these minions sonic appears to be summoning

(duck hunt dog and R.O.B show up)

Mario: me duck hunt dog and R.O.B will destroy this glitch internally

The other heroes: WHAT!?

Tails: why dude?

Mario: umm because we did this sort of thing before

Sans: ok then. Take this plane

Knuckles: the rest of us will take on the minions

(glitch minions start showing up to try and destroy our heroes)

(Mario R.O.B and duck hunt dog take the plane toward sonic)

(Mario duck hunt dog and R.O.B take a jump towards the inside of sonic the glitch monster)

(Mario duck hunt dog and R.O.B go into sonic the glitch monster)

Luigi: hope you make it guys

(cuts to outside of all plains of existence with sonic)

Sonic: what the heck? Where am i?

E.T: outside of existence hedgehog boy.

Sonic: E.T? What are you doing way out here?

E.T: umm hi we technically don’t exist anymore

Sonic: preposterous tomorrowland just got a makeover and you turned good again.

E.T: really hog boy? Really?!

Sonic: yeah now where’s your proof alien dude?

(E.T points to the plains of existence over there)

Sonic: oh ok then

E.T: now if you’re wondering what that glitchey mess over the plains of existence is. That’s you my friend.

Sonic: but if I’m standing out here and I’m also destroying everything in there at the same time doesn’t that mean that…

E.T: yes the good guy within you did not get destroyed. He just got sent here for reasons I can’t explain to you at this present time sorry.

Sonic: dag nabbit. I wonder what Mario and friends are doing

E.T: well they are trying to destroy the glitch. But sadly they are not very victorious right now

Sonic: this cannot be!

E.T: see for yourself

(E.T shows sonic the heroes being beaten by the glitch)

Sonic: no way!

E.T: hedgehog man let me tell you a little story. When I first got here I wandered how I got here only to find I had been warped out of existence because I became that thing. Eventually when Mario won his battle the world started hating me. I learned one thing that day

Sonic: and what was that?

E.T: if the fictional worlds only gonna see me for the crash I caused then I have no reason to try going back.

Sonic: come on we gotta do this for our friend

E.T: but we have no reason to go back

Sonic: yes we do

E.T: oh yeah why?

Sonic: we have friends who might still believe in us

(E.T takes some time to think)

E.T: ok hog man. Let’s do this.

Sonic: ok let’s exist again. Oh and by the way the names sonic E.T. (turns to E.T) Sonic the hedgehog.

(Sonic and E.T rush through the portal to existence)

(Cuts to Mario still inside the sonic glitch monster)

Mario: well no one told us this would be easy

(Mario and the others jump duck and do all that acrobatic stuff while the monsters glitch arms try and kill them)

R.O.B: we need to get this right or we will be destroyed

(Mario gets out the N.E.S zapper)

Mario: lets-a-do this

(cuts to frank and casey)

Casey: well frank this is it

Frank: yup

(Sonic and E.T. appear to punch the glitch monster away from them and defeat the glitch minions in tomorrowland)

(frank and Casey look on in confusion)

Sonic: you can thank us later. But for now it’s time to patch up some glitchey errors.

(sonic and E.T run inside the glitch monster)

Frank: did we just see sonic and that alien run inside the glitch?

Casey: yup

Frank: we must be off our rockers

(cuts to sonic and E.T running around dodging the glitch attacks)

E.T: so how are we gonna do this?

Sonic: we are going to find Mario and the others and get them to help us

E.T: noted

(sonic and E.T start searching for Mario)

(cuts to Mario, duck hunt dog and R.O.B using stealth)

Mario: try and stay close you guys. You never know what’s around the corner

Sonic: Ok then

(Mario jumps in surprise)

Mario: what the- Sonic?

Sonic: yeah dude and your old pal E.T- hey where did he go? Never mind lets defeat this glitch

Mario: together

(Mario, sonic, duck hunt dog and R.O.B all head to the glitch core)

Mario: oh sonic I believe your gonna need one of these too

(Mario hands sonic a spare N.E.S zapper)

Mario: it’s not got much power but there’s infinite ammo

Sonic: ok then lets do it

(sonic and the others speed towards the core)

(cuts to luigi and the others)

Knuckles: looks like this will be our last fight guys. It’s been real nice knowing you all

Nick: who wants a last Popsicle?

(nick and the others eat the popsicles then get destroyed by the glitch minions)

(glitch minions get destroyed only to reveal the heroes alive and kicking)

Judy: wait how are we even alive right now?

Nick: oh it has something to do with my popsicles

Mega man: did you put something in those popsicles?

Nick: yup. The update to be precise.

Rayman: wait how did anyone that originated in a movie or a cartoon get updated?

Mickey: duh we’ve been in video games too

Knuckles: well thats good for us because it means we can keep beating the glitch out of these guys

(heroes continue beating the glitch minions)

Super sheep: is that my old rival super man?

(superman shows up beating more glitch minions)

Super man: super sheep I’ve heard about your time travelling attempts to make me your man servant

Super sheep: (to the audience) well what do you know a plot point you thought would never be addressed again. And now to never address it again

Superman: after this I am going to sue your face and your cape. But for now we gotta work together

Super sheep: agreed

(super’s man and sheep start helping the others out)

(cuts to Mario and the others)

Mario: ok boys we only have 3 charge shots left to do this so don’t screw this up

Sonic: got it

Mario: we are aiming for that core

(Mario and sonic charge shoot the core twice only to miss both times)

Mario: uh oh

(Mario and the others get tied up by the glitch arms)

Swows: yes this is very bad for you and you know what’s worse?

Mario: what?

Swows: this

(Swows destroys the N.E.S zappers)

Sonic: hey that’s way past uncool bro

(cuts to the others outside the glitch monster)

Swows: (in narration) your worlds and friends are finished. But my world is almost finished. (cuts back to Swows) now all that’s left to do is to take you out

E.T: (from afar) not on my watch (defeats Swows with one charge shot)

Swows: NOOOOO.

(Mario and the others escape the glitch monster)

(Glitch monster explodes)

(Glitch minions disappear)

(Mario and the others rush towards their friends)

Mario:  hey guys

Sonic: ya miss us

(E.T attempts to get away only to be spotted by Mario)

Mario: E.T? is that really you my old friend?

E.T: well eer-

Mario: get over here you

(Mario and E.T hug while in tears)

(cuts to a repaired tomorrowland with all the main characters standing together)

Frank: and so the worlds were all repaired

Sonic: everything went back to normal

Mario: I caught up with an old friend of mine

Ty: and we removed the real worlds memory of all this

Frank: so our lesson is never give up no matter how small you are

(Sans and papyrus time travel to September 2015 while nick and Judy travel to march 2016)

Frank: so go and find those that haven’t given up hope. And as for those who have given up. There will always be a way

Casey: and now our story’s over

Ty: umm Miss Newton I think the audience can gouge out that this is the end of the movie

Frank: well at least the ending was a happy one

E.T: true that

(film ends and the credits roll)

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