That Time I took Nick, Judy Ratchet and Clank time travelling

This one requires some explaining, for you see, this is a story where time travel is the main focus, however. You may have noticed that Nick and Judy appear in Super Tommorow 3D Land and Matilda 64 Draft 1, before I decided to cut them from that story in favour of The Night Pig and Chums, via time travel from the future. Believe it or not, this is because all of the Pre-College projects were meant to share the same UNIVERSE. Yeah, imagine that, a cinematic universe dedicated to blatant copyright infringement. This explains a lot of the commonalities shared between movies, such as the Time Travel, the inclusion of Mario and Sonic in like, all of them and spoiler alert, the subject of the next post in this category also shares the same universe as all this other rubbish.

Oof, that Logo’s very bad, although it’s not named after a Mario game this time

now in this one I have a couple of original characters in the form of Future Guy and The Time Harvester. They are literally of zero note (the time harvester especially) because they both end up being “upstaged” by my not so neat attempt at a twist villain, you want to know who that ended up being

That’s right, it’s Sonic

And not just any Sonic, it’s a Sonic that’s from a terrible future where everything after his Lego Dimensions appearance failed and as a result he went down a dark path that lasted several millennia as you’re about to see with this exerpt from late in the film:

45?? Sonic: oh I was about to finish that story until SOMEONE RUDLY INTERUPTED ME! Anyway in 2025 Sega shut down for good. But as the old saying goes, out with the old, in with the new. So yeah i’m the result of a company closing down because everything after Lego dimensions went downhill

now as you all know this (thankfully) didn’t happen because Mania ended up being a really big success and Sonic Forces just kind of happened heck, even the movie’s… starting to grow on me, though I was disappointed with the seeming lack of elements from the GAAMES! but I am surprised that they managed to beat Onward of all films in terms of total box office gross

congratulations guys, your no Sonic OVA, but on the bright side, you didn’t kill the franchise (but you better put more game elements in the squeal, ok?)

But I’m getting off topic, back to the film. You may have noticed that I also put Matilda from Matilda and Casey from Tomorrow-land in this movie, how did I do that? the same reason I have SOAP Shoe Sonic and Super Mario Bros 1 Mario in the film. TIME TRAVEL! yeah, this movie brings together characters from many points in history together to create a big paradox of plot holes across the other films (as well as this one), like for example, if the Mario from Mario 1 had met Casey and Matilda, how come he didn’t recollect them when they would meet “naturally” many years later. (speaking of, because I simply brought in Casey and Matilda from after the events of their movies they’d effectively be confused over why their friends suddenly look and act different now but that’s besides the point)

The main lesson I learned from this one is that I shouldn’t try and bank on certain predictions of the real world future of things because by the time Mania finally released and turned out to be a much needed success, the film was still just a script, which means now it’s dated (or at least an alternate history), which in my opinion is one of the worst things a film can be, besides being terrible of course.

Another element I think I could have expanded on was when Nick and Judy went back to the events of Matilda 64 and Super Tomorrow 3D Land. You see, when I wrote those scenes, all I did was do a montage of the events of those wannabe movies when what I should have done was expand on what Nick and Judy were doing while the main characters were doing their thing, want some examples? well here you go

Example 1:

(Cuts to 1996)

(Portal spews out Nick and Judy)

Nick: where are we?

Judy: in a hospital I guess

(Nick and Judy see baby Matilda)

Nick: who is that?

(Plays the beginning scene from Matilda 64)

Brian: oh hell no. I’m not putting the audience through the events of Matilda 64 again. Cue the montage of the events from Matilda 64 Johnny Bravo. Well? What are you waiting for? Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Do it! Just do it! Do as Shia Labeouf says

Johnny bravo: no man

Brian: but- but

Johnny bravo: no Brian

Brian: oh come on Johnny john Johnson bravo. Please? Do it for me. Your old pal Brian.

Johnny bravo: no

Brian: would you do it to play fnaf 57: Freddy in space?

Johnny bravo: ok first off: what’s a fnaf? And second: no

Brian: well screw you and your demands

(Brian leaves)

Nick: well that happened

Judy: let’s just do the montage ourselves

(montage of the events of matilda 64 plays out)

(cuts to the end of matilda 64)

Judy: well thanks for the tea and cookies miss honey but me and Nick gotta go. We have a space time continuum to save

(Nick and Judy go into a time portal)

(Mario (1996) sonic (1996) and the others (1996) go back to their home worlds)

(Matilda gets sucked into another time portal)

Example 2:

(Cuts back to 2015)

(Time portal spews out nick and Judy again)

Judy: really nick? I thought you fixed this thing

Nick: hey I’m not a genius when it comes to time travel

Casey: you two again? You’re not getting away this time

Nick: ok fine we admit it we are time travellers from March 4th in the year 2016

Judy: umm nick they aren’t that frank guy from the 1960s

Nick: oh ok

(Brian shows up again)

Brian: yes yes we all know what happens next. Johnny bravo my good montage man! A montage please? Hopefully we all get to go home after this

Johnny bravo: oh fine

(montage of the rest of Super tomorrow 3D Land plays out)

Frank: and so the worlds were all repaired

Sonic 2015: everything went back to normal

Mario 2015: I caught up with an old friend of mine

Ty: and we removed the real worlds memory of all this

Frank: so our lesson is never give up no matter how small you are

(Sans and papyrus time travel to September 2015 while nick and Judy travel to march 2016)

(Film fast forwards to the very end)

(Casey gets sucked into a time portal)

Maybe If I expanded on those elements It could even form more of the basis of the plot (and thus make future guy and the time harvester less relevant), but the problem there is that more of it becomes a bunch of rehashed garbage. (which makes this a case of me being darned if I do and darned if I don’t, oh well) But the funny thing is, this would end up being one of the last scripts I actually finished (which in the case of these copyright infringing pieces of garbage is probably for the best), so join me next time when RayMan and Julia went ahead and did a thing.

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