My Hair brain Scheme for project 2 (Planning)

well my hair brain scheme for this project is to design an ad campaign to raise awareness towards Slamination Studios via billboards, here are some designs I made to possibly be used to aid my goals

Design 1

for Design 1 I chose to have it where the characters are leaving their universe and walking towards another portal to the real world (which you could compare to that scene in Monsters Inc where they’re entering the scare floor), I did this as a possible starting point for when I’d eventually get around to putting these characters into reality, when it came to peer feedback, one person preferred this design over the rest sighting how it “shows a stampede of cartoon characters and includes a pun” in the form of “Prepare to Slam,” they also sighted how this one “shows the company through “prepare to slam,” the main thing they mentioned in terms of improvements is that I could “make the characters a bit bigger.” after making this screen shot smaller I can see where they’re coming from because once it got small I could no longer tell where the characters were, maybe if I go with this design I could make those characters even bigger, The reason I put the logos in the corners I did was so that they didn’t get in the way of the characters. To be honest, I mainly used the grid provided to make sure that there were an equal amount of characters to either side of Super Sheep (3 per side) for the sake of balancing the theoretical weight of the picture. Now let’s move on to design 2

Design 2

Now here I used the rule of thirds to place Super Sheep in the area that you’re statistically more likely to focus on, because he’s one of the most prominant characters I’ve ever used (he appears throughout this blog, as my profile pictures on the net and even at the end of Captain Cartridge), I also made Super Sheep, Guyzo, Cartridge and Billy all appear as giant upper halves in the sky (like in those movie posters) while Elfrix, Selloman and the (seeming) newcomer Antler-Man (who we’ll get into later), a man with antlers on his head because genetic mutation reasons to do with the same chemical PLT DVCE that Super Sheep was exposed to, all getting ready for the adventure that awaits them and the others, in terms of feedback, the other person said they prefer this design because it is “very family friendly and stands out” and how it’s “vibrant and radiates positivity.” They also stated it “represents family friendly content and a cool vibe is shown throughout,” oh and “the logo is present” too. In terms of improvements however all I got was “Number two is vibrant, awesome and shows what the company is all about.” which while not much, does indicate that I should do something more like it for the project

Now onto design 3

Design 3: the one no-one preferred

Now for this one, I decided to have the studio logo take up the entire middle square so that the characters can appear around it (and in the case of the bottom characters, it makes it so that they get crushed), unlike the other ones, the logo appears prominently and as a part of the environment considering how the characters all interact with it by appearing out the sides and the top of it, the YouTube logo stays in the bottom right corner though. The Floor here is a contrasting pink so that the black text for the website can stand out, the wall still uses an orange to dark blue gradient, which I feel fits the brand of my little Slamination Studios en-devour (because those are the colours of the logo), the reason I placed 3 characters either side of Super Sheep is the same reason I did it on design one, to balance the theoretical weight of the picture and not overload one side.

ok my son, which design are you going for?

I’m going for design number 1 because I think the characters coming out of the ring will stick with the audience more than the other two and I can stick the link to “www.slaminationstudios.slam” in a place that feels natural and communicates that the characters are coming from the website and into reality (which remember, was the original point of this campaign to begin with), I also think it would look the most cool on an actual billboard (should I ever make an advert campaign like this in the future)

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