RayMan and Sesame Street at the copyright games

Ahhh yes, the one I hinted at at the top of this personal jazz category, the time I tried to bring Sesame Street and the RayMan series together for yet another bombastic crossover that’s more ambitious than infinity war (though like with Nick and Judy’s little skirmish, the story itself is original at LEAST)

as you can see, this crossover screen is totally perfect with no loose connections whatsoever

now your probably wondering how I came up with this idea, well this will come as a shock but I wasn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You see it all started when I found out that Sesame Street introduced a character named Julia back in 2017 (not to be confused with her book debut back in 2015) and I noticed a particular detail about her. can you guess what it is?

here’s a hint. it’s small and brown

If you guessed her rabbit “Fluffster,” then you’d be correct. What? oh you thought it was her autism didn’t you? well that played a smaller factor in this decision but the rabbit was more important because it was then that I pondered the totally philosophical and not at all petty thought, “I wonder how RayMan would react to that rabbit Fluffster.” and that’s how I got there, so just to reiterate:

This Video, Sesame Street
Julia, Fluffster, Rabbit
Image result for rabbids
Rabbit, Rabbid, Raving Rabbid
Image result for Rayman
RayMan Raving Rabbids, RayMan

and just like that, loose threads that lead to a story about RayMan co-opting a world tour so that he can kill Mario for not doing a crossover with him (because at the time, Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle was still a massive thing you see) and that’s when I took the first crack at writing this bizarre adventure which back then was called “The Misadventures Of RayMan And Julia.” And much like with Nick and Judy, I didn’t base it off of sticking some guest stars into other movies like a maniac. (which means I went from disgustingly thievish to just about acceptable)

In this version RayMan wants to destroy Mario after he finds out that he’s doing a crossover with the Rabbids, but after a travel mishap lands him in Sesame Street, he finds himself getting invited onto a world tour where he takes Julia on his adventure so that he can get to Mario relatively cleanly.

here are some note worthy highlights:

Julia: Rayman

Rayman: yes kid, my name is indeed Rayman now let’s go. (Rayman’s brain): well at least we have a convenient front for our Nintendo ruining plan.

(Rayman and Julia go and start their incredible adventure)

(The camera pans out and transitions to Shadow’s TV where we see him, Zavok, Metal Sonic and Chaos Zero watching the show)

Shadow: something seems off about this

(Doorbell rings)

Zavok: I’ll get it

(Zavok opens the door to find Mario)

Mario: (kind of intimidated) Hey Zavok, shadow, Metal sonic. Oh and chaos too. I just a-wanted to tell you that Rayman is a-possibly trying to kidnap and/or kill me so could you a-by any chance be a thorn in his a-backside?

Shadow: we’ll do it.

Mario: Really?

Metal Sonic: yes, we just saw Rayman invite himself onto a world tour.

Shadow: he’s possibly using this tour as a front to hide his scheme.

Mario: well go get him and any possible accomplices.

(Shadow and friends go off to get Rayman)

Mario: well that was easier than expected

(Fades back to our two title characters walking towards the airport while Rayman reads the script for this movie)

Rayman: Man, this script is terrible, who even writes this garbage? Why would they stick me with a character from Stupid Street? I bet you a rap song worth about 50 cents that the audience have already predicted how this rubbish is going to turn out. And these jokes, oh boy these jokes are terrible. there’s Too much reliance on Meta humour and self deprecation I’d say.

Julia: airport.

Rayman: hey kid, I know someone rich who could get us to Japan.

Julia: Japan last

Rayman: come on kid I got my own problems that need solving A.S.A.P and I need you to be my surrogate sidekick right now.

Julia: be a sidekick, yes

Rayman: (relieved) thank you

(Rayman knocks on Roddy’s door but when the door opens no one is in there)

(Rayman and Julia both share a confused glance)

Lego Batman: (from behind them) sup dudes, Batman here and I’m gonna stop you.

(Rayman and Julia look at each other then back at Lego Batman)

Rayman: (bursts into laughter)

Lego Batman: What’s so funny limbless?

Rayman: you think you can defeat us? Look at the size of you Shorty.

Lego Batman: nope, still don’t get it.

Rayman: I could squash you with my foot

Lego Batman: hang on, let me just… (Bursts out two mini mushrooms and uses them to shrink Rayman and Julia to his size) go ahead limbless, try squashing me with your foot now!

Rayman: how? We’re tiny.

Lego Batman: exactly, now I’m gonna kick your butts

(Rayman, Julia and everyone else go on to the track)

Rayman: so where’s our car?

Smash Bros Announcer: it’s this Mercedes Benz GLA.

Rayman: really? We’re doing the product placement thing? Boy this script just keeps getting worse and worse

Smash Bros Announcer: hey, somebody’s gotta pay for this movie ya know, how else would the creator be able to afford rent.

(Our heroes get in the car with Rayman in the driver’s seat)

Smash Bros Announcer: welcome race fans to the Amazing Racing extravaganza where we have lots of competitors competing to win our grand prize. And what a group we have racing, we have Lightning McQueen from the Cars trilogy, Sonic the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, The Flash from The Flash comics, Super Sheep from those Super Sheep movies, SpongeBob Squarepants from SpongeBob Squarepants, Optimus Prime from Transformers, Batman from the Batman comics, Crash Bandicoot from the Crash Bandicoot series, Dash from The Incredibles, Jackson Storm From Cars 3,  Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck it Ralph, Dick Dastardly and his teammate Muttley from Wacky Races and last but not least, Rayman from the Rayman games and his teammate… (Looks at his notes) errm let me see here (back to the audience) …Julia (tries not to laugh) from Sesame Street. (Bursts into laughter)

Casey: well, let’s all go. To Paris

Rayman What? Why?

Casey: that’s where sesame street’s next destination is.

Rayman: alright, let’s do this. TO PARIS!

(Our heroes 4 then batman transition their way to Paris)

Matilda: how’d we get to Paris so fast?

Super Sheep: that’s the power of the transition taxi service, transcending the fabric of time and space to get us where we want to go more or less instantaneously

Rayman: hey, who’s that guiding the Sesame Street puppets?

(Camera then Pans to the Sesame Street cast being guided by Ladybug then back to our heroes except Super Sheep looks completely different)

Casey: hey why the disguise?

Super Sheep: let’s just say me; Hugo and The Night Pig haven’t had the best of encounters with this character lately

(Ladybug and the Sesame Street gang then head towards our heroes)

Ladybug: and this is the Eifel Tower where… (Notices our heroes) I think I’ve met one of you before

Super Sheep: (Italian accent) I dunno what you’re talking about sister, I’m definitely a new face you’ve never seen before

(Ladybug gets suspicious)

Ladybug: really? Well I guess if you were to turn upside down or run too fast your “moustache” won’t fall off

Super Sheep: (laughs nervously) No, my moustache is totally 100 percent really legitimate no questions asked, watch this. You watch right here polka dots.

(Super Sheep then runs back and forth then returns without a moustache)

Super Sheep: see?

Ladybug: well where is your moustache?

(Super Sheep then feels where his moustache would be only to realise it’s gone)

Super Sheep: (normal voice) oh uuuuuuum, well, I… JIGS UP, ABANDON SHIP KIIIIIIIIIIDS! (Rips off the rest of the disguise)

now you may notice a little bit of a theme where I just pull random existing characters seemingly out of nowhere. Well, for you see, RayMan ends up a wanted criminal in this one (but then again when you waltz into someone else’s show and kidnap the newest addition at the time you’re bound to be done in for K I D N A P P I N G) so literally a grand majority of the universe is after him (with a couple of exceptions of Casey, Matilda and later Super Sheep) which of course facilitates fights scenes with the likes of Spider-Man, Bomber-Man, Lego Batman and even Ladybug althought I decided to also have 4 reoccuring villains (who end up being the antagonists) pop in every once in a while and you’ll never guess who they were (here’s a hint: look back at our first highlight)

Ok, now I can reveal the big four and they are…

Image result for sonic forces villains
That’s right Baby, and the sad thing is that Chaos would have done more here than in the ACTUAL game he appeared in

oh, and I also decided they were closet Sesame Street fans, because I thought it would be funny if these arch villains turned out to be fans of something so wholesome, so in other words, it’s funny because normally they’re psychopaths. (eeeeh, Shadow withholding of course)

Also they get the Phantom Ruby, mess around with reality and… That’s where I ran out of Ideas for a proper climax and the whole thing petered out after that once Smash Ultimate was about to release, mainly because I wanted to re-boot the whole story at that point now that I had all the information about Sonic Forces, but before we leave this version, I have one last highlight for you:

Shadow: you know something guys, life’s really great when you’ve got the power to literally bend reality to your will. But we still have those morons to take care of.

Zavok: don’t fret over them, our army will take care of that for us.

(Camera then does a Phantom Ruby transition to our heroes running and fighting their way through a distorted Kyoto)

Rayman: I don’t understand, what would drive four sonic villains to destroy and rule reality?

Ladybug: but what about your friend?

(Rayman thinks about what to do with Julia)

(Rayman then snaps his fingers and gets an Idea)

Rayman: I’ve got it, JULIA!

(Julia looks over)

Rayman: how’d you like to get an accelerated course in butt kicking?

(Our heroes then prepare to fight the army created by the Phantom Ruby)

Sonic: looks like we’ll have to pound these guys into next week first

(Our Heroes then start pounding these guys into next week)

(Camera cuts to our villains)

 (Shadow looks at a piece of the ground and gets an idea)

Shadow: let me try something.

(Shadow then uses the Phantom Ruby to alter Chaos and turn him into Perfect Chaos)

(Shadow then proceeds to use the Phantom Ruby to produce a tall tower)

(After this happens he looks at an old sonic poster)

Shadow: let’s see how they deal with this next attack

as you can see, Shadow and friends would have basically forced our heroes to fight off an evil Classic Sonic, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Now let’s move on to the second version of this garbage which I went ahead and renamed RayMan And Julia Vs Super Smash Bros.

Now this new title should also hint at the new plot for this, which in fairness, is quite similar, but now there’s like, a proper theme for those fight scenes (that being character that have been in the Smash series) rather than just throwing in characters like Spider-Man for no discernible reason.

What sets off RayMan’s quest this time is the Piranha Plant getting in Smash as a character before RayMan, who actually got in as a SPIRIIIIIIIIIT! (and ended up with even LESS representation than in the Wii U game) so it’s at that point he decides to kill the whole Smash roster.

And since this takes place during the then new smash bros’ release window now, Julia will have been on the show for about a year so the world tour is done to celebrate that instead.

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and now Infinite’s one of the villains which completes the penology of Sonic Forces villains

For the most part this new version starts off similar to the first one with one major difference being that Julia’s family is there to wave them off (keep in mind this is after he leaves Ubisoft’s basement):

(Meanwhile Rayman ends up being warped into Sesame Street without realising it)

(Rayman then starts to explore this place but then realises that he’s in Sesame Street, yes we’re doing this)

Rayman: oh fiddlesticks. I gotta get outta here

(Rayman jumps onto the pipe but it’s blocked so he can’t warp)

(Bert n Ernie then show up with suit cases and backpacks in tow)

Ernie: hey Bert, look it’s one of the video games. (To Rayman) hey video guy

Rayman: ok man, first off I’m Rayman and second of all. I was just leaving, but this warp pipe seems to have been blocked

Bert: well why don’t you come with us

Rayman: what’s with the suitcases?

Ernie: well you see Rayman, we’re going on a world tour to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Julia being on the show.

Rayman: who?!

Bert: come with us, we’ll show you

(Our heroes then meet the other Sesame Street characters in the middle)

Big Bird: hey Bert, hey Ernie. Who’s this?

Bert: this is Rayman, a person from a far off land

(Camera cuts to a window at Julia’s house)

Julia: (as she opens her window) WORLD TOUR!

(We then See Julia and her family open their front door as Julia rushes off to join the others with her suitcases and backpacks)

Julia’s mother: have fun on your adventures Julia. I know you and the others will learn a lot about the world.

Rayman: and they are?

Samuel: Hi, I’m Samuel, these are my parents, and the excited girl is my sister Julia

Rayman: well, I’m Rayman, and I’ll be leaving now

Elmo: oh come on Rayman, come with us, they always say the more the merrier

Rayman: but I have some ki… business to attend to with the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster

Elmo: couldn’t you do it later?

Rayman: no, I gotta do this ASAP

Big Bird: well what is this business?

Rayman: video game stuff

Big Bird: are you sure you don’t want to come with us?

Rayman: well I- (in his head) you idiot, this’ll be the perfect front to destroy the Smash Roster (actual words this time) you know what, sure. Why not

Bert: great lets go.

(the Sesame Street gang and Rayman go off the screen as it transitions to a television screen owned by none other than Shadow the Hedgehog and a couple of friends, there’s also a picture of the Phantom Ruby in the background)

Shadow: something’s not right about this

(the Doorbell rings)

Zavok: I’ll get it

(Zavok then opens the door to find Mario and Luigi)

Mario: hey there Mr. Zavok, Shadow, Metal Sonic, oh and-a Chaos Too. Umm, I know you all have shaky pasts as bad guys but Rayman’s-a trying to kill the whole Smash Ultimate Roster. Could you 4 help defeat him?

Shadow: why should we help you? I’m just an assist trophy again

Mario: if-a you don’t there won’t a-be another Smash game for you to be in.

(The 4 villains then think about this)

Zavok: alright fine, we’ll do it

Luigi: great, now here’s some “you can’t-a turn around and betray us later” money

Shadow: (takes the money) we saw Rayman “invite” himself onto Sesame Street’s world tour. Seems he wants to use it as a front to kill you guys.

Luigi: how do you-a kno-

Shadow: SECOND HAND SOURCES! (To Zavok, Chaos and Metal Sonic) come on guys, let’s go stop that Rayman before he ruins everything.

(The 4 villains then rush off to destroy Rayman)

Similar stuff as you can see, but a big difference comes in when the first fight scene happens:

Rayman: right, me and um, Julia here are uuuh, gonna go and take a look around while we wait for the flight

Big Bird: oh ok, stay safe you two (to Rayman) and remember, Julia has autism so you might find she interacts with the world a little bit differently.

Rayman: yeah sure, whatever bird (to Julia, who is wearing ear defenders by the way) c’mon you, let’s go look about the place

(Rayman and Julia finally break away from the group to forward the plot. Now we just have a few more introductions to go outside the Smash Characters)

(When Rayman and Julia go off screen the Sesame Street gang take note of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII)

Big Bird: oh look, wonder what he’s looking for?

(Camera cuts to Rayman and Julia)

Rayman: alright kid, just stick with me and you’ll be safe

(Cloud then bursts onto the scene startling our heroes)

Rayman: what the heck dude?! Yo- (realises it’s Cloud) well well well, if it isn’t one of you punks

Cloud: and I presume you’re the one trying to destroy us all.

(Julia looks on in confusion)

(Cloud takes note of this)

Cloud: look, umm little girl. This man you’re with is umm… how should I put this? He’s trying to- (before ol’ cloudy with a chance of buster swords over here can finish the sentence Rayman punches him in the face)

Rayman: c’mon kid you gotta help me take out these Faker Smash Bros

Cloud: so we’re doing it like this are we? Fine, we’ll do this

(Cloud and Rayman then start fighting each other)

(After a while Rayman runs away taking Julia with him I suppose)

Cloud: you’re not getting away from me Rayman!

(Cloud then gives chase)

(Rayman then manages to make a mostly clean get away by stowing away on what he thinks is the plane to Rio the Sesame Street Gang was going on in the first place)

(We then see cloud get turned away at the gate because of that Buster Sword)

Security man: step aside you! Hand the giant sword to me right now

Cloud: you don’t understand, that man is kidnapping this child

(Camera cuts to our two heroes making the cleanest of getaways as they both board the plane to what they think is Rio)

(Cloud then sees the plane that they’re on is escaping away towards England)

(Cloud then goes over to Sesame Street to tell Julia’s family about this kidnapping)

(The Camera then time fades to Rayman and Julia in the plane)

Rayman: so, kid. Umm, when do we get to Japan?

(Rayman waits for Julia to respond, but it’s no good)

Rayman: umm. Kid? When do we go to Japan?

(Rayman waits 5 more seconds)

Julia: Japan last

Rayman: (Sarcastically) oh, great!


Non-descript Pilot: Attention everyone, we’re landing in Manchester airport like right now

Rayman: wait what?!

(The plane lands instantly which breaks all of the laws of physics)

As you can see, in this version, RayMan and Julia end up separated from the rest of the gang for a lot longer. (basically, from this point until near the climax) You wanna know what the best difference is between these two versions (at least in my opinion), guess who end up leading their own sub plot in this version:

That’s right baby, The Justice Trio get a whole sub plot where Julia’s family end up enlisting their help to go find Julia and Ray-Man (which means Supes and the gang get to go on a Ray-hunt), here’s their introduction:

(The camera then time fades to an hour later where we see Julia’s family in Sheepopolis, we all know where this is going now don’t we)

(They knock on the door of a cracked apartment building)

(The door is answered by none other than Super Sheep)

Super Sheep: alright, what do you peeps want?

Julia’s mother: mind if we come in? We’d like to umm, enquire about something.

Super Sheep: oh ok then. (Julia’s family come into the apartment and Super Sheep follows) But this better be good, we don’t normally help you Sesame Street peeps learn your ABC’s and 123’s.

Julia’s Father: we just need your help finding our daughter Julia, some guy named Cloud Strife told us to come to you for help.

Super Sheep: why? Did your daughter manage to wonder off to grouch land without you knowing? (Laughs) c’mon we gotta tell ol’ Hughes and Night Pig about this

(we then see Super Sheep open the door to his room where we also see Hugo and The Night Pig)

Super Sheep: guys, some family from Sesame Street forgot to be responsible for their kids again.

Julia’s Mother: well it’s not that we weren’t responsible you see, we…

Night Pig: relax ma’am, as a parent I’ve made similar mistakes too.

Samuel: actually, my sister’s been kidnapped by some limbless dude

(The Justice Trio then stop doing things for a moment and think about this)

Hugo: what did he look like?

Julia’s Mother: he wears purple with a red hood and he has a weird hair-do

Super Sheep: so you’re referring to Rayman eh? Love that guy, I hear he’s ratty about the Smash Bros thing right now

Samuel: Smash Bros?

Super Sheep: yeah. What’s your name son?

Samuel: my name is Samuel Mr Sheep

(Super Sheep then suddenly stops still then turns around angrily)

Super Sheep: I’m sorry, what did you say you’re name was?

Samuel: Samuel?

Super Sheep: would you happen to be the one they call, (his eyes go red in preparation to use his laser vision to umm, kill the kid. Very psychotic am I right folks?) The Man That Makes?

Samuel: n-n-no? Why?

Super Sheep: (back to normal) oh, we were just asking because The Man That Makes shares the same name as you. So I hear at least

Julia’s Father: so are you going to help us find our autistic daughter or…

Night Pig: we’ll get right on it dude

Julia’s Mother: and we’ll follow you

Hugo: oh alright, lets go

(Our six bi-pedal organisms go off and begin their search for Julia)

As you can see, Super Sheep and friends are relatively playful when they make fun of the Sesame Street characters and even sneak a reference to Elmo in Grouch-land in there, my favourite character to have Super Sheep make fun of was Julia’s brother Samual

Image result for samuel sesame street
you know, the brown haired little tyke that shares the same name (and a couple of personality traits) as me

The reason for this is because I get to essentially have Super Sheep refer to him as “Little makes” for effectively the rest of the film (because I choose to refer to myself as The Man That Makes), but with Super Sheep I kind of made a joke that I thought would be hilarious but now looking back I realise it could be construed as offensive (so think of this as a trigger warning if you will), alright now that my trigger warning is out of the way, please understand that I never meant to offend anyone with this joke (just self deprecate) but, here we go:

Super Sheep: (to The Night Pig and Hugo) and to think we’re second fiddle in a copyright infringing movie about autism and rays ruining Smash before we get our own movie.

You see, the actual joke I was trying to tell was about how my original characters were effectively second fiddle to someone else’s characters and would have been funnier if this actually made it to formal production, but at the same time probably would have attracted controversy over… well, certain implications (which simply won’t do), but let’s get away from that and talk about how Infinite’s in this movie ok?

So yeah Infinite from Sonic Forces is here too and he’s one of the actual villains with the other 4 Sonic Villains simply serving as his sidekicks alongside the smash villains and Guess Who?:

That’s Right, it’s Hex Moother (who’s rocking his older more Harvest Moon inspired design)
and th-thia-th-thia-that’s not all folks

That’s right baby, Hex Moother and his ro-boy Syntha-Sheep have also joined the party as antagonists alongside infinite, which means that as these films go on (with the exception of Nick and Judy: Time Force Adventures), my characters gain more and more prevalence (and there’d be a greater number of them too), but what the villains are doing this time is trying to summon Galeem using the Phantom Ruby (and no not the one on Infinite’s chest, the one from mania… unless they’re not different things after all? eeeh who knows), speaking of Hex and the villans, let’s talk about that:

(The camera then time fades to Shadow and company walking in a field)

Infinite: hey shadow, I’ve got some news for you

Shadow: what?

Infinite: you know that “Sesame Street World Tour?” it got cancelled shortly after one “Julia” disappeared at the hands of Rayman.

Shadow: WHAT?! (Gets mad)

Infinite: whoa, whoa, whoa. We need to focus on our Phantom Ruby search. OK?

Shadow: oh alright, let’s go

Infinite: but first I need to make a few calls

(Infinite whips out a phone)

Infinite: (on the phone) hello? Do you have the map?

(The camera then cuts to the other end of the phone where we get introduced to Hex Moother, Super Villain Extraordinaire)

(The Location we see Hex in is his evil lair in Dairy Air city)

Hex: (on the phone) yeah yeah I’m sending the map now. (Sends infinite the map to the Phantom Ruby) there, now can I please be part of the story now?

Infinite: (on the phone) oh alright fine. Meet us in the Final Destination, we’ll discuss things there.

Hex: deal (puts the phone down)

(He then goes to the front door of his lair, but on his way he sends Syntha-Sheep to go after Super Sheep)

Hex: (to Syntha-Sheep) you, I’ve got to go do some business, try and defeat the Justice Trio while I’m gone

(Syntha-Sheep then goes off to destroy the Justice Trio)

(Hex then leaves his lair to head to the Final Destination)

So the reason I put both Hex and Syntha-Sheep in here was because I wanted to give them a turn at being villains before I finally started work on the Super Sheep movie (you could view this as a little character building exercise in retrospect), also because I felt because Super Sheep was in this movie I could finally put Hex Moother in something (considering at that point in time he would have been, you know, created and stuff) and have him actually forward the plot (maybe I should have made this a Super Sheep movie with RayMan and Julia to the side rather than the inverse because it’s Super Sheep and friends that end up going first in trying to stop the villains) but anyway, let’s talk about when the villains get together to plan their plans after Super Sheep and friends boot Julia’s family out of their adventure:

(Rayman then goes on to defeat the Belmonts by chucking em out the window)

(Luigi then tries to kick Rayman but oh boy, Rayman gets the hit instead and defeats him by throwing him out the window too)

 Rayman: well that was fun, let’s see who we can go after next. By the way, why didn’t you beat Simon up like you did with Wari- (Rayman then makes a realisation) of course (gets out a racing event poster) The Amazing Racing Extravaganza, c’mon kid let’s go

(Our two heroes then run off)

(The camera then time fades to remind you that Super Sheep is in this movie)

Super Sheep: well Night Pig I gotta ask, what do we do with the Sesame Street guys ridin in ol’ hughes?

Night Pig: we gotta leave em; they haven’t contributed much to the story, plus what if the likes of Syntha-Sheep, Hex Moother or any other villains show up? They can’t do anything to help.

Super Sheep: well ok. (Spots a nearby train station) STOP THE CAR!

(Everyone stops outside the train station)

(Hugo then turns back to normal)

Super Sheep: (to Julia’s family) right you lot. After much deliberation, and a little bit of wanting to avoid being accused of having pointless side characters. We’re booting you three out of the movie.

Julia’s father: but…

Super Sheep: no buts, you’ll probably show up for the climax anyway, (points at Thomas) this blue train can get you to the airport to go home

Julia’s Mother: but we know Julia best and ca…

Night Pig: relax; we know what we’re doing. Find Rayman, find Julia

Hugo: see you in the third act.

(The Night Pig and Hugo get in Super Sheep’s back and the trio fly away)

(The camera then follows our three side characters)

Super Sheep: you know guys, I think we did the right thing back there

(This ends up ringing true as Syntha-Sheep knocks our heroes off course by slapping them all to one side)

(They then get up)

Super Sheep: well if it isn’t my robo counterpart. Let’s dance

Syntha-Sheep: Yeah, Hex Moother will be so proud.

(The Justice Trio prepare to fight Syntha-Sheep)

(The fight finally begins as the 4 fools fly into each other like fools and start exchanging financial advice an- nah I’m joking they actually punch kick and generally wail on each other)

(this goes on until Syntha-Sheep gets a notification from Infinite)

Syntha-Sheep: (as he flies off) GALEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee….. (ding)

(The Justice trio stare on in confusion)

Super Sheep: who’s glee?

(Hugo and The Night pig shrug and the three side characters continue their quest)

(The camera then cuts to our 6 Villains in the Final Destination from Super Smash Bros Ultimate)

Infinite: right you guys, I’ve assembled you all here today to inform you that if we get the Ruby we can use the Power to awaken the being they call Galeem, somehow. Don’t ask me how

Shadow: what about the Phantom Ruby on your chest?

Infinite: no. It’s too weak, besides the jury is still out on whether it’s the real one or not.

Shadow: but who is this “Galeem?”

Infinite: watch the World of Light trailer and find out

(The villains then watch the World of Light Trailer as everyone except Kirby gets decimated by light beams)

Hex: hmmmm, very interesting. With this “Galeem” thingy under our control, we could take over the universe without those troublesome goodies getting in the way. Just get rid of that warp star and boom. Universe over.

Metal Sonic: exactly, we’d be unstoppable

Zavok: and it seems we can create evil puppet clones of anyone who gets killed and force other people’s ghosts to pull their strings

Infinite: I’ll check how the other Villains are getting on with securing the Ruby.

The Reason Galeem is in this movie is because this takes place during the build up to Smash Ultimate’s release and I felt Galeem (and later Dharkon) had to be involved somehow so I might as well stick em in.

As for Super Sheep booting Julia’s family? You see, the reason I had Super Sheep boot Julia’s family out of the story so that I could really have Super Sheep and friend shine (Also I simply couldn’t think of anything for Julia’s family to do until be near the beginning of the 3rd act), speaking of Julia’s family and Super Sheep I’ve completely glossed over an earlier scene where they’re looking for Julia in Moor Lane:

(Our four villains end up following ol’ infinite over here)

(The camera then time fades to moor lane where we see Super Sheep and friends also hunting Rayman and Julia down. hey wait a minute.)

Julia’s Mother: JUUUULIAAAAAA!



Super Sheep: (very sarcastically) young child. Young child.

Julia’s Mother: hey, why don’t we sing a so-

S.S/N.P/H.T.S: NO!

Super Sheep: leave the musical numbers to… …well, the musicals. Now come on, let’s go down the road

(Our six side characters then walk down the road… past our house an… what’s going on now? whose joke is this? Come on, spit it out)

(So anyway, The Justice Trio then look into our window to find… …the writer… (AKA The Man That Makes) writing… …this movie. Because of course they do)

(The Justice Trio then walk away having an existential crisis just as the writer was turning around to look out the window)

(The writer shrugs this off and then gets back to working on this movie. As you do, not realising that everyone will sue him for this)

(The camera cuts back to our 6 side orders continuing on)

(They the walk past the EndButt, no really)

Super Sheep: hey guys why don’t we just stop by here?

(The other characters then think about it)

Julia’s father: oh alright, we could use a break anyway

Night Pig: and who knows, we might even find out things that sound like they could forward the plot.

Hugo: right then, let’s do this

(Camera cuts to our 6 side orders in the EndButt eating a good meal)

Super Sheep: so how do you suppose Rayman’s getting on with Julia?

Samuel: pretty well I’d hope. Who knows, maybe she’ll find a way to convince Rayman to stop doing what he’s doing

(The Justice Trio then laugh at the whole idea)

Night Pig: (still laughing) oh how Idealistic (clears his throat) (Mocking Julia) “Rayman, I’m going to instantly end half a decade’s worth of Ubisoft screwing you over by teaching you and the audience Maths” (laughs harder)

(A television then shows the news where the news caster is Kent Brockman from the Simpsons)

Kent Brockman: good afternoon this is Kent Brockman here with a special news bulletin. Rayman was sighted in Liverpool 1 defeating the Inklings from the Splatoon series of games. Coincidently, during this Julia from Sesame Street was at the scene with this purple psycho, as the inklings were defeated. We have received word from Ubisoft that Rayman is apparently taking on the entire roster of the new Super Smash Bros game being released on December 7th. What the Sesame Street Character Julia has to do with this, outside of getting the Sesame Street world tour cancelled we have no clue.

(Super Sheep then stands up)

Super Sheep: right, we know where to go now, lets do this

(The six side orders then leave the EndButt but not before ol’ Supes pays for the food and drinks)

(The camera then fades to our main characters, who are currently in John Lennon Airport)

I’ll admit, I figured a super 4th wall break was an order at that point because this film’s suppose to be a comedy man (and also I felt like representing the area in the film), and I figured I could have jokes about Super Sheep poking fun at Sesame Street because he’s a cartoon character. You may also notice that the random characters cameos from the other version are mainly relegated to just being that, cameo appearances, with the exceptions of Matilda and Casey because, references to my previous “work.”

Another point I’d like to mention is the scene when RayMan and Julia (remember them?) have to disguise themselves for the sake of keeping RayMan out of trouble:

Infinite: how’s the trek to the Phantom Ruby?

Wolf: we’re making some progress, you wanna co-

Ganondorf: HEY, IT’S THAT GUY AND HI-(Ganondorf and Wolf both get unexpectedly get defeated by Rayman)

(The Screen then shows Rayman and Julia heading to the racing event)

Infinite: this could be a problem. (Points to Shadow, Zavok, Chaos and Metal Sonic) you 4, go take care of those two, I’ll be there to join you.

(The 4 villains then go off and try and do the things)

Hex: ok, Syntha-Sheep and I will go stop the Justice Trio

(They go off to do the thingies)

Infinite: now to help take care of those pests.

(Infinite then runs off to help Shad n friends kill Rayman and Julia)

(The camera then transitions to Rayman and Julia by going into the Holo Screen)

(Rayman and Julia then stop by at the entrance of the Racing event)

(Rayman then hides them both in the bushes)

(After he does this we see Sonic and Captain Falcon show up)

Sonic: you ready to lose again falcon boy

Captain Falcon: not likely bushy hoggo

(The two then laugh as they enter the starting area past a guard)

Rayman: (whispering to Julia) ok, we’re gonna need to disguise ourselves so that we don’t get recognised.

Julia: play spy?

Rayman: sure, however you wanna put this. (Gets an Idea) I’ve got it, come with me kid.

(The two then sneak their way to a dressing room)

Rayman: let see what we’ve got to work with here

(Pulls up some clothes and make up)

Rayman: alright, prepare to get into costume

(Rayman then gets into himself and Julia into Costume)

Rayman: Ok, you’ll be Isabel and I’ll be umm… Jimmy. Alright? Alright, let’s do this.

(Our heroes then leave the building, sign up to race and head into the Racing area where they meet all kinds of stars)

Lightning: hey, who are you guys?

Rayman: I’m uuuh, Jimmy and this is my friend Isabel.

Julia: Isabel?

Rayman: yes, Isabel heh heh heh. She sometimes has amnesia.

Lightning: huh, is that right? Well good luck with the race. Starting point’s in Mute City

(Lightning then goes off to find the starting point)

now you’re probably wondering a few things, 1st, Why is Lightning McQueen here? you see, I figured since this was a scene that involved racing I figured I could keep most of the random gratuitous cameos from the previous version (Lightning included) but this time there’s a bunch of smash characters that are associated with racing and/or speed, including Captain falcon, Sonic and even some of the Mario characters due to Mario Kart, I.E: Peach, Daisy and even the Animal Crossing characters (because Mario Kart 8 Deluxe baby), and the second thing you’re probably wondering is why I gave RayMan and Julia their respective fake names (with RayMan being Jimmy and Julia being Isabel, not to be confused with Isabelle), these names were derived from the original versions of these characters, with RayMan being a 10 year old boy named Jimmy who happened to turn into RayMan when his fantasy world was under attack, and Isabel simply being Julia’s original name at one point in time

Image result for julia sesame street concept art
see, it’s all references for the sake of references (also fun fact, Julia’s costume would have flat out been one of these designs while RayMan’s would give him a 10 shirt and a Jimmy Neutron wig)

and after that happened they got a Mercedes Benz (just like the previous version) and RayMan used it to like, ram some of the competitors off the track scoob:

Smash Announcer: Welcome, to the 77th annual Amazing Racing Extravaganza. Here you will race on tracks across multiple parts of the universe.

(A giant TV screen then shows the competitors the entire track, which consists of Mute City, Mario Kart Stadium from, well Mario Kart, Super Monkey Ball’s Treetop track from Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing and even Ribbon Road, also from Mario Kart)

Rayman: so what will me and Isabel here be driving

Smash Announcer: this Mercedes Benz GLA

(the camera pans to the GLA)

Rayman: but why though?

Smash Announcer: because someone’s gotta pay for this movie ya know.

Rayman: sure, whatever excuse we need to have product placement

(Our two heroes get into the car which is conveniently on the Starting line in last place and change back to their normal clothes)

Smash Announcer: All right everyone, START YOUR ENGINES!

(The camera then does an “introduce the rest of the competitors” style shot where we see Captain Falcon in The Blue Falcon, Lightning and Jackson Storm from Cars, Peach and Daisy from Mario, Sonic from… umm… Sonic the Hedgehog, the Flash from D.C and Mickey Mouse from Disney)

(A Lakitu then drops down in front of everyone)

(The Lakitu then does the 3 2 1 go countdown)

Smash Announcer: (as the Lakitu is doing this) 3, 2, 1, GO!

(The characters then start racing in Mute City)

(They all hit the first set of Item boxes from Mario Kart)

(Camera then cuts to our heroes inside their vehicle hoping for a good item)

Rayman: c’mon, c’mon

(The goodies then get Triple Mushrooms which is 3 boosts)

(They then use one of the Mushrooms to get next to Daisy)

(Rayman then rams Daisy off course with no chance of recovery, because the writer has a personal vendetta to settle I guess)

(Our heroes then use the other two boosts to pass Jackson and Lightning)

Rayman: now we just gotta run the other Smash Fighters that are here off the road and then at least try to win the race.

(Our Heroes then have to dodge some Banana Peels)

(The camera then cuts to Sonic, Captain Falcon and Princess Peach looking at the Mercedes Benz)

Sonic: you guys see what “Jimmy” did to poor daisy

Peach: I’ll fix it

(Peach then slows her bike down so that she ends up next to the Benz only to notice Rayman in the driver’s seat)

(Rayman then takes note of this and tries to ram peach off the road, but it’s no use)


(Sonic and the cap take note and get over there to help)

Sonic: so Rayman, you thought showing up to this racing event would help you destroy me and the other racing smash bros huh, you thought wrong. Hand over the child and no-one gets hurt.

Rayman: sorry, can’t do that. Business hours are over, how about I ruin your legs instead.

(Sonic then runs to the front to avoid getting rammed to death)

(Sonic smirks and then homing attacks the car, causes a little bit of damage then runs back to the front)

Captain Falcon: Sonic, be careful. You could accidently kill the kid in the process

Sonic: relax dude; I’ll just scoop the kid before the whole thing explodes

(Our racers then end up going to Mario Kart Stadium)

(the camera then stops at the spectator stands where all the racers pass by)

(it’s here we see Matilda, Casey as well as Waluigi)

Casey: why is everyone surrounding Jimmy and Isabel?

Waluigi: waah, never mind everyone else, a-look

(Camera then cuts to the Villager and Isabelle from Animal Crossing in Go karts from Mario Kart)

(These two manage to speed their way towards Rayman and Julia)

(Rayman then looks out the window and sees this madness)

Rayman: what are they doing here? Oh well, all the more to annihilate I guess

(Rayman then hits the accelerator to get ahead of everyone that isn’t Sonic or the Flash)

Rayman: alright kid, you’re taking the wheel for now (Rayman then switches seats with Julia) sorry I can’t teach you how to drive

(Rayman then climbs onto the roof of the car)

(Rayman then attempts to punch Isabelle and Villager first, but they manage to pocket one fist each)

Rayman: uh oh

(Villager and Isabelle then throw Rayman’s fists back at him, making it look like he’s punched himself twice)

(Rayman then goes for Peach but the whole car comes to a screeching halt, causing Rayman to almost fall off)

(We then see Julia learning how to drive at an unrealistically quick pace)

(She then hits the accelerator and the car starts going fast again, causing Rayman to almost fall off again)

(Luckily our hero is able to get back on top of things)

(The car then approaches the Smash Characters fast)

(Camera cuts to Sonic taking note of this)

Sonic: prepare yourselves team, you never know what Rayman’s gonna try next

(Rayman then tries to punch Sonic but he sidesteps to dodge that nautical nonsense)

Sonic: ha, you’re too slow

(Sonic then jumps on top of the car and tries to wail on Rayman)

(Rayman however is able to fight back against all of this and gets his own back)

(The two get to use their powers on one another)

(Sonic then tries to Homing attack but Rayman Still manages to dodge before he does it which forces Sonic to accidently homing attack the car in such a way to where it causes Julia to accidently ram everyone that isn’t Sonic off the road)

(Rayman then giggles)

Sonic: uh oh

(The car manages to reorient itself as Rayman and Sonic continue fighting each other)

(The car then gets near Flash, Lightning, Jackson and Mickey Mouse)

(Rayman then jumps on to Lightning)

Lightning: hey, get off me!

(Sonic then tries to jump on Rayman but that guy jumps on to Jackson Storm)

Jackson:  what the? Hey!

(Sonic then hits Rayman with a homing attack, causing him to almost fall behind, luckily Rayman grabs on to Mickey Mouse’s car)

(Rayman then gets up and jumps back on top of his car)

(Rayman and Sonic then continue fighting)

(Our racers then continue into the Treetop Track as Rayman and Sonic are still fighting on top of that Mercedes Benz GLA, which is being driven by a little girl by the way. don’t ask me how they haven’t crashed yet)

(So anyway Rayman and Sonic continue fighting until Rayman finally kicks Sonic in front of the car causing him to… oh, umm. Get… run over… this is still a kid’s movie right?)

(This causes every competitor that aren’t our two main leads to stop and process what they just witnessed. Moral of the scene kids: getting rammed is no big deal, getting run over? That’s the real danger)

(our heroes then finally end up in Ribbon Road as Rayman gets back in the driver’s seat, making sure to put a mentally scarred Julia back in the passenger’s seat)

(While they’re both contemplating what just happened we see Shadow and company show up with Shadow, Zavok and Chaos all driving a monster truck while Metal Sonic and Infinite fly next to them)

so yeah, after RayMan destroys some smash bros and cripples Sonic The Hedgehog (until he seemingly isn’t later on) and after the villains harass the main characters for a bit we cut back towards Super Sheep and friends where a different (and honestly more interesting) movie’s clearly playing out where they’re in a space station from Metroid so that they can find some Intel on infinite’s plan, although they think it’s Hex Moother’s plan because they’re the justice trio baby:

(Our heroes get back in the car and drive off as the camera time fades to Super Sheep and his ilk in a space station from Metroid)

Super Sheep: (whispering) ok, if we can find any valuable info about whatever ol’ Hexy Poo is planning we can stop this nonsense and save the universe.

(Our heroes then sneak around searching for valuable Intel)

(they then hear a loud thud from below)

Night Pig: (whispering) you guys hear that?

Hugo: (whispering) yeah, keep your eyes n ears peeled

(Our heroes then hear a ever loudening roar coming from below)

(They then realise what’s going to happen and get out of the way as Ridley from Metroid crashes through the floor and roars)

(The Justice Trio then prepare to fight Ridley)

(Our side charters and Ridley then clash)

(This goes on until Ridley manages to throw our heroes through the floor and into a pit with a walkway)

(Our heroes then hit the ground and start running)

(Ridley then hits the ground too and breaks the walkway)

(The Justice Trio then turn around and Super Sheep uses his laser vision to do some damage to Ridley)

(This only makes Ridley mad however as he charges towards our heroes)

(Ridley is about to commit class 5 Murder until he gets blasted in the back by Samus Aran from Metroid)

Super Sheep: Samus?

Samus: yeah, get over here now! I’ll deal with Ridley

(Super Sheep and pals then barely dodge getting clawed just to get to the other side)

Super Sheep: how do we defeat this dino-guy?

Samus: well we have to kill him obviously.

Hugo: Night Pig and I will go distract him

(They go do that and Super Sheep and Samus finally manage to defeat him)

(Samus and friends go off and explore the station)

Super Sheep: so, do you know anything about a villain named “Glee?”

Samus: “Glee?” like the TV sh- (Samus thinks about this) oh no.

Night Pig: oh no? Why? Is this “Glee” character all powerful?

Samus: this “Glee” you’re referring to, is GALEEM!

Hugo: Galeem? You mean the crazy light thing in the new Sma- oooooooooooh, right

Samus: we gotta get outta here

(Our 4 side orders then go off to where Samus’ gunship is parked and blast on outta there)

(Camera cuts to the interior of the gunship where we see the Justice trio squeezing in the ship)

Super Sheep: so what does Hex Moother want with this “Galeem” fella?

Samus: who?

Super Sheep: Hex Moother. You know, evil cow, kind of Harvest Moon-esque in terms of character design, seems to have an extra large corporate empire?

Samus: I don’t follow

(Super sheep rolls his eyes and shows a poster of Hex Moother)

(Samus inspects the poster)

Samus: where’s his base?

Night Pig: it’s in Dairy Air City, which is on Earth 4578

(our heroes then head off to Reel Deal City as the camera fades to the winner’s podium at the end of The Amazing Racing Extravaganza where we see Rayman and Julia in first place)

Nice continuity error at the end by the way

Maybe next time I do something like this I could pair Julia up with Super Sheep and friends because I’m starting to think I might get more mileage out of a Super Sheep and Julia movie with RayMan trying to kill the smash roster as the side story rather than a RayMan and Julia movie with Super Sheep to the side (because I can get a lot of jokes about Super Sheep poking fun at Sesame Street), maybe that’s why I never actually finished either version of this movie, because I never had the right main character to bounce off of Julia’s personality. But back to the scene, the reason it’s in a space station?

there you go that’s why

That’s right, the space station was an excuse for the Justice Trio to fight Ridley and meet Samus, nothing happens that forwards the plot in any way, you could change it to where the characters are at Hex Moother’s lair with a little bit of tweaking (Ridley could be guarding it for instance) and not much would be different, except there’d be one less cut because I could simply do a “while that was happening” segment with RayMan and Julia mucking around some more. Speaking of, one point of difference between RayMan And Julia Vs Super Smash Bros and The Misadventures of RayMan and Julia is what happens after they win the race, here’s what happens in the Misadventures version:

Smash Bros announcer: and it looks like Rayman and Julia have won tonight’s race folks

Darrell: I gotta say those guys in the monster truck we’re not on any of our lists of competitors

(We then see a time jump to the winning ceremony)

Smash Bros announcer: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the winners of our race, Rayman and Julia

(Rayman and Julia come on the stage)

Rayman: alright cut the garbage “pal” what’s our prize?

Smash Bros announcer: you’re grand prize is… (dramatic pause) getting knocked unconscious and getting kidnapped by the only group of Youtubers we could afford

Rayman: wait what?

(Our two heroes get knocked out then the screen fades to black)

(The screen fades out from black to reveal an underground cave system)

(Rayman and Julia sit up in pain)

Rayman: (in pain) oooooooooh man, that was really painful, now what other event does Mari-(hits his head on the ceiling) Ouch (very awake) what the heck? (Looks around at all the rocks everywhere) where are we?

???:(In a booming voice) welcome to our underground cave system

Rayman: yeah thanks for the knowledge pal but I gotta ask you Mr. disembodied booming voice, who are you and how do we get outta here?

???:(In a booming voice) we are the Yogscast; a crew consisting of many wonderful pe- (gets interrupted by Rayman)

Rayman: wait hang on, the Yogscast? Like, the YouTube people that do a lot of Minecraft stuff?

???:(In a booming voice) well, yeah I mean, we were the only group of Youtubers the studio executives could find who wanted to do this role for free

Rayman: for free?

???:(in a regular voice) well yeah, we got shazamed into doing this via this contract.

(Rayman’s jaw drops because of how shocked he is)

???: why are you so surprised? The whole movie industry is currently stuck making sequels, reboots, adaptations and nostalgic cash grabs.

Rayman: (sarcastically) oh yeah, like we’re any different.

???: (back to a booming voice) SILENCE FOOL! And now I shall reveal myself to you and you’re partner in crime

(The mystery person reveals himself to be Honeydew from the Yogscast)

Rayman: whelp, apparently Youtubers count as fictional characters now so we gotta prepare for this movie to be dated upon release

Honeydew: SILENCE! You two must be trained under our wing if you want to make it out of here in one piece

Rayman: so we have to fight our way out of here?

Honeydew: pretty much

Rayman: why’d ya kidnap us again?

Honeydew: to put you through the trial to see if you are worthy of being members of the Yogscast brotherhood

Rayman: really, “the Yogscast brotherhood?” uuuuuugh, I gotta tell ya Julia the next thing we know we’ll be forced to join the galactic guardians

Star Lord: (off screen) you called?

(camera pans to the left to show the Guardians of the Galaxy while playing hooked on a feeling)

Rayman: (Song stops) no not you, the other galactic guardians

Star Lord: there were other galactic guardians? come on guys, lets. Go. Sue the pants off of em. (Star Lord and the guardians leave to go submit a lawsuit)

Rayman: (angrily) ummm you’re welcome! (Mumbling) ungrateful idiots

Honeydew: right, where were we. Ah yes, your training montage

Rayman: fine, whatever

(We then get a training montage where we see Rayman and Julia doing combat training while the song “diggy diggy hole” plays then at the end fighting an evil monster and winning)

(Montage ends with a shot where we see Julia with a sword and Rayman with his fists and the time has shifted to the 15th August)

Honeydew: congratulations, you two are now a part of the Yogscast brotherhood, and from this moment forward, you can call us for help whenever you need it

Rayman: (sigh of relief) thank goodness, you have no idea what we’ve been through but, why are you helping us now painfully obvious YouTube cameo?

Honeydew: because you’re both one of us now, go and achieve your goals

Rayman: well enjoy your current predicament; I can’t wait for you and your team to obviously just show up for the climax, but first I gotta let you know there’s a uuum, false Mario at Nintendo Japan

Honeydew: good to know

(Rayman and Julia finally open the front door in a mountain)

Rayman: whoa, something tells me we’re not in Scotland anymore

(The camera then shows lots of mountains in a grand way, and then it reveals that our heroes are standing next to a two seated version of the Tornado from Sonic in a hilarious way)

Rayman: well that’s convenient

(Our heroes then jump in the Tornado and take to the skies)

And here’s the Vs Smash Bros Version of this part:

(Our heroes do a victory pose like in Smash bros)

Smash Announcer: oh umm… Rayman and Julia Win!

Rayman: so what do we win?

Smash Announcer: you’re winning prize is getting warped to another dimension

Rayman: huh?

 (Our heroes then get thrown into the TARDIS bits from Dr Who)

(This goes on until they end up going into the TARDIS)

Rayman: huh, I guess the Doctor has decided to save us kid, (to what he thinks is the Doctor)

(The figure in robes takes off the robe to reveal that he is Dr Mario, a clone of Mario who’s counted as a separate character for some reason)

Dr Mario: GOTCHA!

Rayman: Dr Mario?!

Dr Mario: oh yeah! It’s a-me! Now take-a your pills (Dr Mario whips out his brightly coloured pills)

(He then throws these pills to try and defeat our heroes, but they just stand there all confused)

Rayman: psst (to Julia) semi-clones, am I right?

(Rayman then kicks Dr Mario out of the TARDIS and it buzzes off)

(The camera then cuts back to our heroes in the TARDIS trying to figure out how this nonsense works)

Now you might notice that our heroes end up in two different situations after winning, in one they end up encountering a youtube cameo (in which they joke about being irrelevant upon release), make a reference to The Guardians of The Galaxy being confused for The Galactic Guardians from Atomic Betty and doing some pointless garbage (which is out of character in Julia’s case now that I think about it) and the other one has them meet Dr Mario and we get a joke about clone fighters all cocooned in a Dr Who reference (because they’re both Doctors ha ha), I think the Dr Mario joke is better because it actually keeps to the theme of the story (which is RayMan and Julia fighting the Smash roster), where as the Yogscast cameo is just a cameo for the sake of it (which seems to be the only discernible theme besides wanting to kill Mario I guess), also The Yogscast cameo is dragged out quite a bit while the part with Dr Mario is over before you know it (because Pills are not a good fighting weapon and that’s the joke, also the TARDIS) and we move on to the Pokemon Fight in Sesame Street before long, speaking of that Pokemon battle:

(Once they figure out how this nonsense works they accidently return to Sesame Street, where the Pokémon Trainer is waiting)

Pokémon Trainer: well well well. If it isn’t Rayman

Rayman: (sarcastically) ooooooh, a child. Lets see how quickly I defeat you

Pokémon Trainer: CHARIZARD! I CHO- you know what, I’ll choose ALL OF THEM!

(Pokémon Trainer then whips out 10 Poke balls which summon Pikachu, Pichu, Mewtwo, Lucario, Greninja, Charizard, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Jigglypuff and Incineroar)

Rayman: oh, that’s a lot of Pokémans

Pokémon Trainer: get em gang

(The Poke-crew then start showing Rayman their moves)

(Rayman and Julia then try and run away from the situation, but Charizard is able to block em)

(Charizard then breaths fire at our heroes, kind of harsh but then again he is a Dragon so it’s at least a tiny bit excused)

(Luckily for our heroes, Rayman’s got them reflexes that he needs to get em outta there)

(Charizard then breaths more fire out of frustration which causes random buildings to start catching fire)

(Squirtle as a result has to take responsibly and put the fire out of its misery, dag nabbit Charizard think of the fines you’ll pay)

(Rayman then goes to punch both Squirtle and Charizard in the faces but he gets kept back by Ivysaur’s vine whips)

Rayman: uh oh, looks like it’s time for the big guns

(Rayman then looks around for something he can use)

(He gets interrupted however as Ivysaur throws Rayman towards where Pikachu is)

(Julia then notices a cylindrical object)

(She then goes to find Rayman)

Julia: (to Rayman) cylinder

Rayman: (as he’s fighting Pikachu) cylinder? What cylinder?!

(Julia points in the direction of the Cylinder and Rayman realises that it’s actually the Lockjaw can, also from Rayman 3)

Rayman: ooo, ho ho ho ho! You genius, c’mon let’s go

(Rayman and Julia then head towards the Lockjaw can, which is situated on top of a building, but Pichu shows up to try and stop them. The key word being “try” as when it tries to use thunderbolt, it manages to knock itself unconscious)

(Our heroes continue on anyway)

(Once they get to the roof of this building however, they encounter Incineroar)

Rayman: whoa, look at ol’ wrestle mania over here

Incineroar: (angrily) IN!

(Rayman then tries to fight Incineroar)

Incineroar: (as he uses his final smash on Rayman) IIIIINCINEROOOOAAAAAAAAR!

(Rayman is then launched off the roof and into the presence of Lucario and Mewtwo)

(Rayman grimaces at these Pokémon; clearly he doesn’t believe they’ll get him because he’s one of the main characters of this feature)

(Mewtwo then uses confusion to confuse Rayman)

(Lucario then uses his aura to totally ruin Rayman’s night)

(Julia then manages to grab the can)

(Once Rayman regains consciousness he realises Julia has the can)


(Julia takes a while to respond)

(Camera then cuts back to Rayman getting mauled to death by Pokémangos)

Rayman: JULIA! HELP!

(the camera then cuts to Julia who then kicks the can to Rayman)

(Rayman catches the can and becomes Lockjaw Rayman)

(Rayman then uses the lockjaw to escape being mauled as he swings his way to the ceiling where Julia is with the can in hand)

Rayman: (to the mons) ha, I’m gonna kill all you guys

(Rayman then grabs Squirtle with the lockjaw and starts… oh dear am I reading this right? …electrocuting the poor turtle monster into oblivion. Unlikeable tool)

(The Trainer’s Squirtle fainted)

(Rayman then retracts that lockjaw then uses both lockjaw hooks to grab Ivysaur and Charizard and he does the same nonsense to them as he did with Squirtle. Whoa ho ho, someone get the animal services on the phone, this guy’s a monster)

(Ivysaur and Charizard have also fainted dag nabbit)

(Rayman then tries to do the same thing to Mewtwo but… Mewtwo is a psychic type Pokémon so he’s able to use his powers to send those lockjaws back at Rayman)

Mewtwo: (telepathically) you thought you could out do me? Ha, have a taste of your own medicine.

(Mewtwo then forces Rayman to electrocute himself in a cartoony fashion; yeah that’s karma for ya kids take notes)

(Mewtwo then throws Rayman into the sky far far away from the situation, go Mewtwo?)



Mewtwo: (telepathically) pathetic, (to the others) get the word out, we found the girl.

Pokémon Trainer: gotcha Mewtwo (whips out a phone) what’s the mother’s phone number?

Mewtwo: (telepathically) DO I LOOK LIKE I’D KNOW THESE THINGS?! NO, I’LL JUST GO CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY! Jigglypuff, put the kid to sleep

Jigglypuff: (singing) Jiii-gglypuff

(Julia then falls asleep due to this)

Mewtwo: (telepathically) alright, I’ll go find the kid’s parents

(Mewtwo teleports away)

(The camera then cuts to Rayman falling from the sky and onto the back of a pickup truck full of wood, somehow surviving the fall and returning to normal)

(the truck drives off)

As you can see during this fight scene, and basically all the others, you’ll notice that RayMan’s the one that does all the actual fighting while Julia mainly spots things every once in a while to help him win. In theory this means one could cut Julia out of the film and with a few slight tweaks and not a lot would change, just have RayMan be more observant and cut Julia’s family out of Super Sheep’s story (which does mean Samuel sadly no longer gets to be “Little Makes”) and we’re basically good to go (it’s almost as if Sesame Street and RayMan were meant to remain separate things and not be mashed together haphazardly), but one thing I should point out is that after the fight scene we cut back to the Justice Trio, who, and I reiterate, should have just been the main characters, like, maybe it could have just been a where’s Julia story with RayMan encountering her later or something (and yes, Banjo-Kazooie as well as Sans and Cuphead would be in it this time):

(The camera then fades on over to Dairy Air City where we see Samus’s gunship land and Super Sheep, Samus, Night Pig and Hugo (remember them, they’re in this movie) all get out)

Super Sheep: there it is kiddos. Hex Moother’s evil lair. Right, let’s kick the door down gents.

(The camera then cuts to an interior shot of Hex’s lair where we see Supes kick the door down and our side orders walk in)

Super Sheep: alright Hugo, do your thing

(Hugo then shape shifts into Hex Moother)

(They walk over to the main computer and switch that machinery on)

(it Scans our madman Hugo and confuses him for ol’ Hexy Poo because you know, shape shifting)

(Hugo is about make the mouse click on the “Map of the Phantom Ruby” button to get the big scoop on what’s goin on, but Hex and Syntha-Sheep Show up, after that Hugo turns back to normal)

Night Pig: (whispering to Samus so that Hex doesn’t hear him) call Mega Man and Pac Man once he starts monolouging.

Hex Moother: oh would you look at that, now I’ve got to go and fix the door and update security

Super Sheep: give up now Hex, this is the part where you go down

Hex: yeah, there’s just one problem with that.

Night Pig: that being?

Hex: we’re bordering on the end of the second act you morons

Super Sheep: (in a sarcastic tone) oh what a pity. And we don’t even get to find out what your brilliant plan is

Hex: well I didn’t come up with it, Infinite did

(Samus then hides so that she can call the Meg n Pac duo without Hex or Syntha-Sheep knowing)

Super Sheep: (in a charming tone) you think you could at least tell us the secret genius behind the plan.

Hex: no supes, now get dead (snaps his fingers and points at the goodies)

(Syntha-Sheep then goes to get our heroes)

(this leads to some fighting between the 4 buckos)

(Samus then springs back out of nowhere and helps defeat Syntha-Sheep)

(This however turns out to be a trap as Hex Moother captures our 4 heroes)

Hex: oh how naive, you thought you could defeat me in the second act. And I’m not even the main villain of this motion picture.

Super Sheep: aren’t you devastated that we defeated Syntha-Sheep again?!

Hex: oh supes, you’ve got to remember, I’m rich beyond comprehension thanks to a massive corporate empire. Speaking of empires, once me and the other villains grab the Phantom Ruby and summon Galeem we’ll be unstoppable (presses a button that sends our heroes down into a pit where a trap door closes) bye bye Super Sheep and friends.

(Mechanical laughter as he leaves his HQ to go find the Phantom Ruby)

(The camera then cuts to the 4 side orders down in the pit)

Super Sheep: ok, we’ve got to admit. This story line is getting very convoluted. I mean come on, Phantom Rubies? Bad guys trying to summon beings of pure light to wipe out the universe? Rayman trying to kill the whole Smash roster? Who comes up with this rubbish?!

Night Pig: agreed, but hey, we’re not the ones writing this nonsense now are we.

(We then hear Mega Man sound effects up top as he goes to destroy the mighty trap door)

(He does this and it reveals to the audience that he’s with Pac-Man)

Pac-Man: alright, c’mon lets go

(Super sheep then gets everyone in his back and flies up)

(Night Pig, Samus and Hugo then leave ol’ Super Sheep’s back)

(Super sheep, Hugo and The Night Pig then realise that Mega Man and Pac Man have brought Julia’s Family with them)

Super Sheep: (to Julia’s Family) oh, it’s you guys again (To Mega Man) why’d you bring Little Makes and his parents on board?

Pac-Man: they insisted on coming with us

Samuel: yeah, and by the way Mr Sheep. Why are you calling me “Little Makes?”

Super Sheep: no time to explain Little Makes Me and the others just got whiff of what He- I mean Infinite’s plan is, it’s something to do with using Galeem to rule the universe and the Phantom Ruby has something to do with that nonsense.

Julia’s Mother: but this time we’re coming too

(Super Sheep mulls it over)

Super Sheep: alright fine but if you get killed it’s not our responsibility. Now let’s go unite the rest of the good guys in Smash and chase that pesky Hexy down before he does things with rubies and light peeps. I have a feeling that by the time we get there the second act will start to wrap up.

(Our 8 side orders then run off to go stop Hex Moother)

(The camera then cuts to just outside of Hex Moother’s Lair where Hugo turns back into a jet plane)

Julia’s Mother: is this safe?

Hugo: just get in the me-plane you!

(Julia’s Mother and father as well as Samuel get in the “him-plane” while Mega Man and Pac-Man get on the wings)

(Our side characters then bug off to go find the other Smashing fighters as the camera then time fades to Julia sleeping in bed under the watchful eyes of the Pokémon fighters)

As you can see, Super Sheep and friends actually got a whiff of what was actually going on here, BUT… Since they’re mucking around doing this it pretty much means they’ve actually abandoned their original quest to find Julia (you know, the reason The Justice Trio came on this adventure in the first place) so it’s a perfect example of a sub-plot being set up and then changed partway through once Syntha-Sheep mentioned Galeem. You know, there seems to be a theme going on where the Sesame Street elements are brought up once or twice in the beginning and then being abandoned or relegated to the side later. well, Julia does come back to the forefront for a bit at least (Speaking of):

(We then transition into a dream sequence where we see all the good guys in the Movie waltzing around in a flowery field)

(and then the 5 Sonic villains, Hex and Syntha-Sheep show up along with the likes of Bowser, Bowser Jr, The Koopalings, Ridley, King Dedede, King K Rool, Ganondorf, Wolf, Dark Pit and Dark Samus)

(The Smash Bros villains and our heroes (except Julia and her family who run away) charge at each other)

(King K Rool and Rayman then trade fists)

(This film’s villains of this movie then use this opportunity to summon Galeem and use the Phantom Ruby to take control of it)

(Our heroes and villains then stop and look at this being of light in all its glory)

(The smash villains then join our villains as Galeem charges its ultimate move)

(It then unleashes an enhanced version of the move it did in the trailer)

Super Sheep: whelp, time to throw in the towel kids

(Everyone starts trying to get away only to get destroyed)

(Even Kirby can’t escape this time as his warp star gets taken away by Bowser Jr and the Koopalings)

(Galeem and the villains then consume the universe in light, and they take over)

(Julia then wakes up)

(She then goes to warn the Pokémon characters about this by drawing a picture of the events)


Pokémon Trainer: what’s troubling you kid?

(She shows the picture)

Pokémon Trainer: well this is bad, we gotta get the others. (To all the pokemon) GUYS, WE GOTTA GO SAVE THE WORLD!

Julia: Rayman!

Pokémon Trainer: yeah sure him too. Let’s rock n roll

(Our 12 heroes then go find the rest of the cast as the camera cuts to the villains who are north of Whoville from the Grinch)

(Our villains knock on the Grinch’s door)

(The Grinch answers the doors)

Grinch: FOR THE LAST TIME I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SMASH GETTING LE- oh, umm hey Shadow, how’s things?

Shadow: you got the ruby?

Grinch: what ruby?

Infinite: oh you know, a pink-ish ruby that has the limitless power of illusions.

Grinch: you mean this old thing? (Pulls out the Phantom Ruby) here take it, (he hands it over) it’s not gonna help me steal Christmas for the 4th time anyway. Now get out of my face!

(The Grinch closes the door)

(Infinite then calls the other villains via holo message)

Infinite: we’ve got the ruby, now we can meet up in Sesame Street to give those good guys a reckoning they won’t survive when Smash releases. (He ends the holo message and does an evil laugh)

(The camera then time fades to December 6th at night where we see Rayman and Smokey on their way to New Bedford from Moby Dick, which is being fixed)

Now I know what you’re thinking, “Son, I know this is the same movie where RayMan cripples Sonic in a mad quest to kill the entire roster and a lot of these connections are super loose as it is. But why the flaming fondue is The Grinch of all characters in possession of the Phantom Ruby (not to mention that it’s implied he’s had it for a while too), and weirder still, why would he give it to known Super Villains?! and as if that wasn’t enough, he also specifically knows Shadow from somewhere? this makes no sense.” ordinarily you’d be right on that front, but there’s one little reason I put the Grinch in here:

Grinch Leak | GameFAQs Super Smash Bros. Board Wiki | Fandom
this fake leak that circulated before Incineroar and ken got revealed

you may notice that in this fake leak we have Characters such as Banjo (who ended up being DLC), Ken (who was announced at that final pre-release direct alongside Incineroar), Geno (who got spirited away) and our relevant example, Shadow (who once again turned out to be an assist trophy), do you notice who else happens to be in this leak? (though not in the actual roster) That’s right, The Grinch. Hence this interaction between him and Shadow and why he’d end up having possession of the Ruby (even though a good story teller would kind of hint at that being the case before hand rather than spring it out of the blue because he’s making things up as he goes), so yeah. The villains can now summon a god because one of them happened to know The Grinch at the right time, but enough about that let’s see how RayMan’s doing (and yes, this happens in both versions, so it’s another opportunity to compare the two versions side by side)


(The Camera fades back to Rayman who is currently hitching a ride on the back of a pickup truck with planks of wood and metal)

(Rayman lets out a sigh of remorse as he looks up at the starry sky)

???: hey, whos back there?

Rayman: oh just me, the guy that’s trying to escape his problems

???: well since your here now I might as well catch your name

Rayman: oh, well my names Rayman, maybe you’ve heard of me recently?

???: Rayman huh? I was starting to think I’d never bump into you

Rayman: so you know about how I’m wanted?

???: yep, I’ve heard about all the recent incidents you’ve gotten yourself into

Rayman: so where are we going?

???: we’re off to help the world of that one novel called “Moby Dick” to do some repairs, you’re welcome to help out if ya want

Rayman: thanks driver

???: who said anything about me being human?

Rayman: so if you’re not human then what are you mysterious pickup truck driver, and while we’re at it, what’s your name?

???: My name is Smokey, and I am indeed the pickup truck itself

Rayman: oh really? So you come from the Cars franchise?

Smokey: yep, I do. Well sit tight Rayman, its gonna be a while till we get there

(The camera then moves behind a tree which causes the transition to Moby Dick where we see reconstruction going on)

(Rayman gets off and notices all the other obscure cameos helping out)

Rayman: so that’s the damage that earthquake did 11 years ago

Oswald: You think that’s the worst of it? You should have seen what it was like back then

Rayman: weren’t you trying to kill us back then?

Oswald: hey your right (chuckles), those were very different times

Rayman: yeah, those were very different times

Oswald: well catch you around Rayman

(Rayman then sits down and reminisces for a moment)

(We then see both Matilda and Casey walk on screen and sit next to Rayman)

Matilda: Hi Rayman, what are you doing here?

Rayman: oh hey guys, I’m just remembering some old memories and wondering where I went wrong

Casey: we heard that you now have a huge bounty on your head

Rayman: yep, I have. It’s a long story involving Mario, Rabbids, Sesame Street and a bunch of fighting

Casey: well that sounds interesting

Rayman: yeah, it is.

Matilda: hey Rayman, remember when we drove Miss Trunchbull out of Crunchem Hall?

Rayman: yeah, it was back then when I was about to go on my first 3D adventure. Oh where did the time go?

Matilda: who knows.

Rayman: yeah

(Rayman then starts having flashbacks to Matilda 64 and Super Tomorrow 3D Land)

(Flashbacks end)

Rayman: those were the days, oh how I’ve fallen.

Casey: can you remember why you got replaced in the first place?

Rayman: something to do with not being as “marketable” as a bunch of Rabbids

Casey: are you sure that’s where everything went wrong for you?

Rayman: yeah, I’m very sure, I’m not sonic you know

(Super Sheep shows up)

Super Sheep: precisely.

(Camera pans to Super Sheep)

(Super sheep goes and sits next to Rayman)

Rayman: what now? You here to turn me in?

Super Sheep: to be honest, that’s what I’m supposed to do. But I’m not going to because honestly I’ve started to feel bad about causing your little tornado crash.

Rayman: so that was you was it?

Super Sheep: hey, you got lucky, Mario paid me some extra money upfront so I technically don’t have to turn you in; other people normally won’t get the money until the job’s done.

Casey: oh really?

Super Sheep: oh hi Case, how’s life been since our last adventure?

Casey: oh pretty good thanks, so what did you mean by “precisely?”

Super Sheep: well, like Rayman said, he’s not Sonic.

Rayman: yeah, I’m not Sonic, what does that have to do with me being replaced by other Ubisoft brands?

Super Sheep: well, in your anger induced quest to gain more relevance and destroy what you’ve been replaced by… and Mario, you’ve failed to realise that people still think of you as a quality franchise.

Rayman: well yeah but, I just wish Ubisoft paid more attention to me that’s all

Super Sheep: think of it like this, at least when they do make games of you people in the real world can guarantee it’s going to be great, at least you know what your fan base wants, at least you have a brand identity. Sonic has none of that nowadays

Rayman: I suppose you’re right

Super Sheep: yep, and it’s a good thing I was feeling nice enough to tell you this before you did something that could get Mario killed over and over again

Rayman: oh you mean like lying to a group of Youtubers about a fake Mario?

Super Sheep: yeah, something like tha… (sudden realisation) you did exactly that didn’t you?

Rayman: yup

Super Sheep: right, that’s it Mr, we’re saving Mario pronto (turns to Casey and Matilda) you two coming?

Casey: sure, why not. It’s not like we’ve both gone time travelling already

Super Sheep: cool, let’s go

Matilda: and while we’re at it we might as well get Rayman’s new friend to help too

Rayman: you mean Julia? No way. She can hardly throw a punch let alone save the universe. Besides, she’s better off without me anyway

Casey: yeah but look at these newspaper clippings real quick (Rayman looks at the clippings given to him by Casey) who is that besides you in all those pictures?

Rayman: well that’s Julia obviously

Casey: exactly, and it wouldn’t be right for you to just ditch her because of a lack of fighting experience

Rayman: alright, you win but we can’t let ourselves be seen by anyone

Casey: well, let’s all go. To Paris

Rayman What? Why?

Casey: that’s where sesame street’s next destination is.

Rayman: alright, let’s do this. TO PARIS!

(Our heroes 4 then batman transition their way to Paris)


(The camera then time fades to December 6th at night where we see Rayman and Smokey on their way to New Bedford from Moby Dick, which is being fixed)

(Rayman sighs)

Smokey: hey, who’s back there?

Rayman: oh noone, just little old me

Smokey: I’ve heard of you. you’re the guy that tried to kill the entire Smash roster right?

Rayman: yeah, I’m Rayman by the way. What’s your name driver

Smokey: name’s Smokey, and I’m a pickup truck.

Rayman: oh. Right, you’re from cars 3.

Smokey: yeah, well we’re here now.

(Smokey and Rayman arrive at New Bedford where we see characters fixing this place)

(Rayman jumps off and goes to sit down on a bench somewhere so that he can reminice on recent events)

(We then see Casey and Matilda notice Rayman)

(they go sit next to Rayman)

Casey: hey Rayman

Rayman: oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?

Matilda: we’re helping out by fixing this place, hows things with you?

Rayman: oh you know, just been trying to kill the entire smash bros roster.

Casey: so it’s you thats in those newspapers is it?

Rayman: lemme see those papes

(they let him see those papes and he reads those dang headlines about how he’s a criminal crime)

Rayman: good lord, have I really gone south?

Casey: well yeah, you’ve gone very far south. What’s caused this sudden outrage against everyone?

Rayman: I didn’t get in the game, again. And to make matters worse, a plant got in over me.

(we then see Waluigi show up)

Waluigi: waah, who says that justifies trying to kill-a everyone in the roster. I mean, a-really. Even I wouldn’t do something like-a that.

Rayman: aren’t you just an assist trophy again?

Waluigi: well, a-yes but…

Rayman: try spending a long period of time trapped in the basement of your company and yet not seeing yourself become playable in smash bros. Try being replaced as a mascot by rabbits. RABBITS! And then Assassins show up and now there’s “no room” for little ol’ me.

Waluigi: oh, well uuum… you wanna know something Rayman?

Rayman: what?

Waluigi: I-a learned as an assist trophy that I might not be playable, but it’s-a ok because it’s not like it’ll be the only chance I’ll a-get to do it.

Rayman: but what does one do if their chance never comes?

Waluigi: well, Smash isn’t the only thing we’ve got in life. I’ve got a brilliant tennis career and some other sports too. What do you have?

Rayman: outside of my main games, not much else except life in a dingy basement. Why?

Waluigi: oh come on.

Rayman: what?

Waluigi: what about-a your a-friends? I’ve heard about your other adventures (to Casey and Matilda) ladies, back me up a-here. Please.

Casey: (to Rayman) well yeah, he’s got a point. You’ve got us, That frog guy and barbarian princess from your games, that Sesame Street kid, the other Ubisoft guys and… well I suppose you’ve now made enemies out of Mario and Sonic considering these recent news stories.

(Rayman then starts having random flashbacks to Matilda 64 and Super Tomorrow 3D Land)

(the flashbacks end as Rayman realises he’s gone and tossed everyone to one side for ultimately petty reasons)

Rayman: oh geez. If only there were a way to fix this.

Waluigi: waah, all you have to do is show the universe that you’ve learned the error of your ways and apologise for your actions

(we then see Julia, the pokemon crew as well as the likes of Mr Game and Watch, the Dog and Duck from Duck Hunt and the Ice Climbers from Ice Climber)

Julia: RAYMAN!

Rayman: Julia? What are you doing here? How’d all of you find me?

Super Sheep: (off screen) I told them all you’d be here

(Rayman then sees the Justice Trio, Snake, Mega Man, Pac Man, Ryu, Cloud, the Inklings, Ken, Mario and Bayonetta)

Rayman: you guys? What’s going on here?

Super Sheep: that infinite fellow from the Sonics plans on using magic rocks to summon the killer torch and destroy us all.

Ryu: we shoud try and destroy you Rayman, but let’s face it. We need all the help we can get.

Bayonetta: so in other words, will you help us?

(Rayman mulls it over, looks at Waluigi, Casey and Matilda. Then he looks back)

Rayman: sure, why not. I might as well do it as an apology. but first I gotta go back to Ubisoft. I’ll meet you wherever the bad guys end up meeting.

Snake: they said they’d be meeting in Sesame Street of all places

Rayman: see ya there, Super Sheep lets get going. For the time being,  you guys figure something out for Julia

(Rayman then rides Super Sheep all the way back to Ubisoft HQ)

(Rayman then rushes towards the basement)

(The camera then cuts to the basement)

Barbara: so Glo, you suppose Rayman’s defeated them all yet?

Globox: well how do I know barbs nobody’s figured out the TV yet

(Rayman then bursts open the door)

Globox: RAYMAN?!

Rayman: sup Globox, you guys gotta help me, Julia and the entire roster save the universe

Ed: whoa Rayman slow down, what’s happening?

Rayman: the bad guys wanna bring in Galeem to destroy the universe

Barbara: say no more, lets do this (she then gets out her battle axe) who’s with me!

Ed: sure. Why not, i could use that 3rd adventure anyway

Globox: yeah, i’d do anything for my good buddy

(our heroes then leave the basement to go stop the baddies)

(we then get a montage of Rayman, Julia and even the Justice Trio go and recruit the goodies from Smash Bros)

Now, one thing these two scenes have in common are that they both reference a throwaway moment from Mario and Sonic’s adventures in Matilda… Uuuuh, I mean, Matilda 64 Draft 1 although in the original movie that mine was heavily based on (and by that I mean they made it and I stole it from them), this is a plot point (and by that I mean the book getting ripped, not the resulting earthquake):

Harry: dinner time is family time what is this trash your reading?

Matilda: it’s not trash daddy it’s lovely, it’s called Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Harry: Moby what?!

(snatches’ the book)

Harry: (while ripping the book) this is trash, you see, its trash! Its filth here!

Matilda: its not mine its a library book.

(harry throws the book on the ground)

Harry: Im fed up with all this reading! You’re a wormwood, you start acting like one!

Mario: wow the characters in Moby dick just reported an earthquake

Sonic: may we commemorate the loss of the slow mo’s of that book

Mario: dang it sonic this is supposed to be a serious funeral

Sonic: who cares?

The reason for this is something I alluded to during the dissection of Nick and Judy: Time Force Adventures, these films sharing the same universe to the point where saving the world is pretty much a weekly chore when you consider what the villains are always doing, want an example?:

Literally a cartoon Sheep
Character A from Franchise A (you could replace Super Sheep with anyone)
Tari | Glitch Productions Wiki | Fandom
Could meet Character B from Franchise B (while saving the world along the way) and they’d hang out
Until They found out that Villain A has escaped jail and teamed up with villains B C and D to do terrible stuff with some bad things (be it building a thing or gathering x amount of y to obtain unlimited power or something), thus, Characters A and B have got to go save the world
and while that’s happening, Characters A and B could meet Characters C, D and E who are also saving the world, but from different, otherwise unrelated bad things (and who knows, maybe they’ll team up)

You get the point, a universe like the one I “created” with these movies is one that is in constant need of saving all the time (meaning that saving the world is just something everyone has done at least once in their lives), but I’m getting off topic.

Going back to RayMan being down in the dumps, in both versions he meets up with Casey Newton and Matilda Wormwood (because references to the previous films) and they reminisce about the previous adventures (because saving the world is something you can just reminisce about in this universe) and then Casey, Matilda and some other characters (depending on which version we’re talking about) help RayMan come to his senses and get him to go save the world. (from his own misdoing in 1 version and from a giant ball of light in another version but at the end of the day they’re saving the world from the Phantom Ruby in both versions) What’s different in each version (as you may have noticed) is that in the Misadventures version this results in Casey, Matilda and Super Sheep joining our hero to go find Julia while in the Smash version the two simply re-unite and the Smash roster seems to instantly forgive RayMan (which is unrealistic to say the least) and then he goes to get his friends from the beginning to help too, unlike the other version where they’re seen in the beginning and then never heard from again.

Another difference between these versions is the presence of Waluigi, from Mario

Waluigi - Wikipedia
He’s not in the Misadventures Version but he’s in the Smash version

The reason Waluigi’s in the Smash version is because of the fact that despite popular demand, he’s still an assist trophy in ultimate (that and SMG4’s Waluigi arc had a hand in this decision) but here, he’s helping RayMan come to terms with the fact that even if he’s not playable, he’ll always have his friends, because lord knows that RayMan hasn’t got much else at the moment when you consider how he’s only had a couple of console games this decade (no the mobile games don’t count),but I digress, Waluigi actually makes a brief cameo during the racing scene when the Animal Crossing characters get introduced, here take a look:

(the camera then stops at the spectator stands where all the racers pass by)

(it’s here we see Matilda, Casey as well as Waluigi)

Casey: why is everyone surrounding Jimmy and Isabel?

Waluigi: waah, never mind everyone else, a-look

(Camera then cuts to the Villager and Isabelle from Animal Crossing in Go karts from Mario Kart)

(These two manage to speed their way towards Rayman and Julia)

You may also notice that Matilda and Casey were there with him, believe it or not, they appear even earlier in the story than Waluigi does:

(Syntha-Sheep then goes off to destroy the Justice Trio)

(Hex then leaves his lair to head to the Final Destination)

(As Hex leaves we pan over to an over the Shoulder shot of Casey and Matilda reading a newspaper with Rayman on it)

Casey: you think we should do something to help after we fix New Bedford?

Matilda: yep, c’mon lets go get some more wood for Smokey

(Matilda and Casey then go off screen so that when they appear again we can give the illusion that we introduced them earlier)

(The camera then time fades to Super Sheep and the 5 side orders as they enter Liverpool one, still covered in ink which is being cleaned up by Mario using F.L.U.D.D. from Super Mario Sunshine)

This rather unsubtle use of foreshadowing makes their appearance at the end of the second act here not as jarring as in the Misadventures version because back there, I kind of made the story up as I went along. This was the case with the Smash version too (as evidenced by the Grinch just showing up out of nowhere) but this time I’d pre-decided that Casey and Matilda would carry over to the Smash version so I beefed up their appearance so that they appeared throughout rather than joining RayMan and friends out of nowhere. Although maybe I shouldn’t have had them flat out state their purpose because it makes the plot seem more clock work than it should if you know what I mean.

The next thing we’re going to discuss is Julia’s dream sequence, which is a sequence exclusive to the Smash version of the story:

(We then transition into a dream sequence where we see all the good guys in the Movie waltzing around in a flowery field)

(and then the 5 Sonic villains, Hex and Syntha-Sheep show up along with the likes of Bowser, Bowser Jr, The Koopalings, Ridley, King Dedede, King K Rool, Ganondorf, Wolf, Dark Pit and Dark Samus)

(The Smash Bros villains and our heroes (except Julia and her family who run away) charge at each other)

(King K Rool and Rayman then trade fists)

(This film’s villains of this movie then use this opportunity to summon Galeem and use the Phantom Ruby to take control of it)

(Our heroes and villains then stop and look at this being of light in all its glory)

(The smash villains then join our villains as Galeem charges its ultimate move)

(It then unleashes an enhanced version of the move it did in the trailer)

Super Sheep: whelp, time to throw in the towel kids

(Everyone starts trying to get away only to get destroyed)

(Even Kirby can’t escape this time as his warp star gets taken away by Bowser Jr and the Koopalings)

(Galeem and the villains then consume the universe in light, and they take over)

(Julia then wakes up)

(She then goes to warn the Pokémon characters about this by drawing a picture of the events)


Pokémon Trainer: what’s troubling you kid?

(She shows the picture)

Pokémon Trainer: well this is bad, we gotta get the others. (To all the pokemon) GUYS, WE GOTTA GO SAVE THE WORLD!

Julia: Rayman!

Pokémon Trainer: yeah sure him too. Let’s rock n roll

(Our 12 heroes then go find the rest of the cast as the camera cuts to the villains who are north of Whoville from the Grinch)

As you can see it’s one of those types of dream sequences where they predict one possible outcome of the story (specifically where they lose in this case) and then after waking up they try and warn the world about what’s bound to happen soon because, raisins I guess. I should note that this part happens before RayMan’s big beefy brood and before get their paws on the Phantom Ruby in preparation for the climax that never was, because much like with the misadventures version of the story, I never finished this one, I suppose this might be a sign that once again, RayMan and Julia aren’t the best choice when it comes to a crossover pairing. (and in a world where Mario and Sonic have met Matilda and Casey that’s saying something) Maybe if The Justice Trio were the main characters trying to find Julia I would have finished it off and had a much better story on my hands. (maybe I could write a better version of the story someday in the future), but we need to get back to this dream sequence pronto kiddos. So anyway, as a dream sequence it’s not very good because Julia hasn’t even met a grand majority of the characters that appear here (I.E: Kirby, Bowser and the like) because with the way dreams work, you couldn’t quite conger up new faces you haven’t yet seen that day which, as you can tell, would break this particular sequence into a ton of tiny pieces, and that’s not even mentioning how over done it is in movies and TV shows these days. but alas, at least this picture I did came out of it:

as you can see here, I’ve tried to replicate the style that Julia draws with (although it’s pretty amazing how I made it seem like she drew characters she never met such as Pac-Man, Kirby and, at this point, Super Sheep)
Sesame Street: Meet Julia (Full Clip | 10 Min) - YouTube
except wait a minute, she painted this so my “Julia style” drawing was probably super off

hey, speaking of the climax, let’s head on over there right now:

(after that’s over we then fade to the bad guys going over to Sesame Street while they scheme their nonsense plan)

Infinite: ok, here’s the plan (gets out a piece of paper and draws the plan) we meet up, the good guys show up moments later. We have a good fight. Whip out the ruby and use it to turn Chaos into Perfect Chaos as a distraction so that we can channel the rest of the power towards summoning Galeem and then it’ll be time to wipe them all out. And then at that point us villains can start running things

Love the Zavok here, don’t you? this one is suppose to be done by infinite from Sonic Forces

Hex Moother: I can tell this is going to be briliant

Shadow: yeah, let’s do this

(The camera then time fades back to the goodies all ready to fight during the sunrise of December 7th 2018)

Super Sheep: right-o ladies and gents. We’ve got to nab that dang ol rock before it’s boom boom time for the universe. Ya ready?

Rayman: let’s do this

(looks at julia and notices a Mega buster on her. Clearly the writer has seen too much Mega Man. How else are we seeing Julia turn into a Mega Man Character?)

Rayman: what’s going on here?

Mega Man: I took her to Dr Light, this whole shindig was his Idea

Rayman: is the entire family in on this?

Mega Man: weeeeeeeell

Super Sheep: (in the distance) WHY DOES LITTLE MAKES HAVE A GUN!?

Sonic: no time, (pointing at the bad guys) there they are!

(the camera then cuts to sillouettes of the baddies created by the sunrise)

(we then get up close and personal with them bad guys)

Infinite: alright kiddos. On my mark. Get set. (they all get set) aaaaand, go!

(the baddies then start charging)

(we cut to the goodies, and they start charging)

(the two sides then clash in the center of Sesame Street)

(we then see Rayman and Globox fighting off the likes of Wolf, Ganondorf and King K Rool)

Globox: this is just like old time eh Rayman?

Rayman: too true

(they start punching the baddies)

(eventually hey both get hit, but afterwards Donkey Kong, Link and Fox defeat their villains)

Fox: hey boys, need a hand?

Rayman: yeah man, let’s lock n load

(our heroes put up their dukes, unless your names are Fox Mccloud or Link in which case you pull out your blaster and Master Sword and Hylian Shield respectivly)

(The villains just get back up, because aint nothin gonna break their stride)

Globox: man these guys are tough

Fox: yeah, but don’t worry. We’ve got this on lockdown

(our heroes then continue fighting the villains as the camera suddenly pans towards Mega Man and Julia firing projectiles at Bowser and Zavok)

Mega Man: thats it kid, let em have it

(Bowser then starts breathing fire on our two heroes)

(Mega man then manages to use Protoman’s shield to protect himself and Julia)

Mega Man: heh, too easy

Zavok: don’t be so sure of yourself mega burn

(Zavok then goes to charge at Mega Man)

(Mega Man is able to jump over that nonsense)

(but Zavok is able to avoid hitting the wall like an idiot and he turns around)

Zavok: you think I’m that easy to fool

Mega Man: probably not. (To Julia) kid, you deal with the bows, I’ll get his reject edgy twin.

(Mega Man then prepares a charge shot to rip that pesky zavok a new one)

(Mega Man fires that shot only for Zavok to dodge and hits Mega Man)

(we then cut to Rayman fighting the very phirana plant that started this quest in the first place)

(the pirana plant then tries to chomp at our limbless heroes)

(Rayman manages to get a few punches in before the plant bites his fingers)

Rayman: OW, why you!

(Rayman and the plant continue wailing on each other as the camera head over to infinte, chaos, metal sonic and shadow on the rooftop)

Shadow: right, thats it. Use the ruby

Infinite: lets do this

(infinite then flies in the sky preparing to use the ruby)

(Rayman and company then stop fighting for a moment to witness this nonsence)

(the villains then join infinite’s side)

Sonic: hey infinite, long time no see

Rayman: but why are you doing this?

Super Sheep: I thought this was about Rayman and Julia destroying smash bros. Is this the plot now?

Infinite: well you know, I’m just trying to take over the world with my co-horts. Now taste my power.

(infinite then uses the ruby’s power to take control of everyone’s perceptions of reality. Which means he can make em see realistic illusions n stuff)

(infinite then goes and summons an army of phantom bowsers)

(this army is then followed by chaos showing up and wailing on some of the heroes, which means he officially does more here than in Sonic Forces)

(Chaos then starts going after Rayman)

(Chaos and Rayman then have a better fight than the non existent one in forces)

(chaos is able to throw rayman into a building)

(Rayman is able to use this as momentum to hit chaos square in the face)

(after this he hits the ground running)

(Rayman and chaos continue their tussle as sonic  tries to help Rayman fix this)

Ok, first we’re going to address the fact that Julia and family actually get the Mega Busters from Mega Man

Plus Sign Vector SVG Icon (7) - SVG Repo Free SVG Icons
Mega Buster
Equal Sign Transparent Image | PNG Arts
She’s got a gun

The reason for this was because when I got to this point in the story I’d been watching a lot of Mega-Man content and I figured it could solve the problem of how do you have Julia and other Sesame Street characters get into a fight with the likes of Infinite from Sonic Forces, which I’m sure is a question no-one was wondering the answer to, because nobody outside of me thought to ask said question. (unless there’s a Pooh’s adventure thing I don’t know about) But one thing I do get out of giving Julia’s family Mega Busters is that I can have Super Sheep say a potentially really funny line in the form of “WHY DOES LITTLE MAKES HAVE A GUN?!” (of course that all depends on the delivery I would have given as well as the timing of the line itself in context to what Mega Man says before hand) One thing I should mention is that the graphic I did for Julia with the mega buster was the second version of that design, here’s what the first version looked like:

wow, it’s Mega-Julia you guys, get her ready to feature in Smash Bros over RayMan

I scrapped it because I felt it was a bit overkill to deck out these characters in full Mega Man style Armour (but I should note that I technically still thought it was important of them to have G U N S)

Mega Man - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Maybe next time my old main

But I digress, it’s here where the fight begins. But then the script ends there because once again, I just sort of ran out of gas while writing due to lack of Ideas. (anyone else notice a pattern here?) I don’t know why it is I keep running out of gas at this point with this premise particularly (and before you say originality, I actually finished the fist version of Nick and Judy Time Force Adventures, another script I wrote with an original story that isn’t just characters go into a film and do stuff) but, I suppose this premise just doesn’t want to happen, (no matter how many times I attempt to do it in this particular fashion) which brings me to the lesson I’ve learned from all this: never do a story that relies on an event that’s currently happening (be it a Smash release or other wise) because by the time you’ve finished writing, it’s highly likely that you’ll end up wanting to include the later stuff, which means scrapping everything you’ve done just to get it in there in a way that feels natural. But with that I’d just like to say it’s been fun discussing my old garbage from my pre-college days. we laughed, we pondered, we reflected and most importantly of all, we’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way, but before we go, I’ve got a jokey little conspiracy theory for you.

I think Sesame Street is spying on me

I don’t know how, and I don’t know why, but Sesame Street seems to be keeping tabs on me as a person (probably using the data for their Julia episodes that happen during April), why do I think this? well I have some circumstantial evidence I’d like to present exhibit A:

here we see that Julia has a Brother named Samuel who she describes as being “Silly.” This is what got the ball rolling on this thing because being silly’s MY THING! NOT THEIRS! and you’ll know my name from the title of this website, so the fact that we share the same name means I’ve been spied on. Not only do they know my name but recently I found out they also seemed to know about how I crossed over RayMan and Julia because of rabbids, why do I think this, I’d like to present exhibit B:

You’re probably thinking “son, I know you’re the same guy that stole Tomorrowland and Matilda, but aren’t you getting a bit carried away with this?” well for the sake for this joke to work I have to say NO WAY SON! because Super Fluffster’s Rocket has white ears on it (and those ears have a brownish colour on the interior), you know what else has white ears?

that’s what I though

I rest my case (because if I don’t I’ll end up on criminal Craig’s watch list)

Whelp, that’s all folks

and with that I’ve pretty much concluded my series of essays on… myself… from the past. You may notice that I’ve talked more extensively about this one than the others. That’s because I had a lot more to say about it than I did with the others (which were just variants as to why I’d be getting sued for this scoob) which made this one more of a deep dive, but alas, it’s all over now, you can read these scripts I wrote for your own critiquing pleasure. Maybe if I were to revisit this universe in the future, It’d just be a practice thing for Super Sheep and the like (and then maybe we can come back an reflect on whatever comes next)

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