The sacred Self Destruct Sequence

Ok, so this time, I need to make a self destruct video (except now that I’ve lost all the time so now this project is doomed) luckily I at least managed to make the script for this video finished, here’s a look at what could have been: Video-Splosions United Sam Grodon INT. HERBAL’S LIVING ROOM.Continue reading “The sacred Self Destruct Sequence”

My Hair brain Scheme for project 2 (Planning)

well my hair brain scheme for this project is to design an ad campaign to raise awareness towards Slamination Studios via billboards, here are some designs I made to possibly be used to aid my goals for Design 1 I chose to have it where the characters are leaving their universe and walking towards anotherContinue reading “My Hair brain Scheme for project 2 (Planning)”

Unit 4: Researching for advertising influences (AKA: when Advert Jazz get Manipulative)

While adverts can and SOMETIMES are used ethically and responsibly, there is a dark side to some advertising campaigns that is a pathway to many dark manipulations, some of which are considered unethical, Star Wars references aside this social influence can be very easily manipulated to an advertiser’s advantage, this has potentially dangerous ramifications thatContinue reading “Unit 4: Researching for advertising influences (AKA: when Advert Jazz get Manipulative)”

The Production of the Sellotape advert

When Producing an advert, it’s important to know how long the ad is going to be, well, that’s an important step for all media but it is doubly so on an advert because advert space on the TV, Radio and/or the internet actually costs the companies quite a bit of money (somewhere roughly in theContinue reading “The Production of the Sellotape advert”

yaah, It’s De-sign time

Ok, this is it hot shot, the part I’m supposed to be really really good at because I’ve done it so much in the past, it’s design time. and if you don’t believe me, here is some of my previous jazz I’ve done over the years: now that that’s established, let’s begin our designing frenzyContinue reading “yaah, It’s De-sign time”

My Project workflow and other planning documents

week 1-1 while a Project management document is important and it will be the driving force behind the workflow of the project, it is also important to have a workflow chart (which we’ve been learning about this week) to help you on the way, typical work flow charts look like what you see below (minusContinue reading “My Project workflow and other planning documents”

My fantasy project plan

here are some Ideas I’ve been cooking up for a power point presentation I’ve been making: Idea 1: a short interactive game made in Dreams on PS4 This Idea could feature a bunch of newly made characters, the main ones being an elf, a pop star and a cowboy, who find themselves on a dimensionallyContinue reading “My fantasy project plan”

That Time I took Nick, Judy Ratchet and Clank time travelling

This one requires some explaining, for you see, this is a story where time travel is the main focus, however. You may have noticed that Nick and Judy appear in Super Tommorow 3D Land and Matilda 64 Draft 1, before I decided to cut them from that story in favour of The Night Pig andContinue reading “That Time I took Nick, Judy Ratchet and Clank time travelling”

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