Matilda 64 the movie: the script Draft 2 (full of copyright infringement still)

(we start off in Green Hill Zone from Sonic 1 with 2d animation) (Sonic then runs past the camera) (The camera then follows Sonics’ movements) (A Red Shell from Mario then comes Sonics’ way) (Sonic then jumps over this Red Shell) Sonic: looks like old plumber boy here wants to play rough, fine, we’ll playContinue reading “Matilda 64 the movie: the script Draft 2 (full of copyright infringement still)”

Matilda 64 the movie: the script: Draft 1 (the worst of the bunch)

Time period: august 2nd 1996 Characters: Matilda Wormwood (super smart girl who gains telepathic powers), Mario (top dog and the standard of the 3D video game movement, Sonics’ biggest rival), sonic (sarcastic wise guy with a “get it done right and get it done now” attitude, Mario’s biggest rival), Miss Trunchbull (worst headmistress ever andContinue reading “Matilda 64 the movie: the script: Draft 1 (the worst of the bunch)”

Super Tomorrow 3D Land: The Movie: The script: The Movie: The Script (Old, irrelevant and full of copyright infringement)

Characters n stuff: Casey Newton (the optimistic teen), frank walker (boy genius gone pessimist), Athena(the robot girl of no age), governor nix (future government villain guy), sonic the hedgehog (the fastest (and glitchiest) thing alive), Super Mario (princess rescuing plumber war hero), Pac man (ghost gobbler), Mega (Rock) Man (robotic hero and master copier), MilesContinue reading “Super Tomorrow 3D Land: The Movie: The script: The Movie: The Script (Old, irrelevant and full of copyright infringement)”

Welcome to the personal jazz category

hey there, welcome to the newly made Personal Jazz Category! this will be the least formal category out of the bunch (so don’t expect consistent updates) as it relates to mainly non-college things. (I.E: Old Crossover Scripts I made, things I’ve learned along the way while creating and the like) The reason I’ve made thisContinue reading “Welcome to the personal jazz category”

research into interactive media and fantasy (Plus Fantasy Ideas)

this post will be dedicated to my research and experimentation into the world of interactive media as well as a general fantasy research (plus I’ll get to show off some Ideas that I’ll be cooking up for this project) the first thing I’m doing is experimenting with creating a Wix website (which means yet anotherContinue reading “research into interactive media and fantasy (Plus Fantasy Ideas)”

Types and forms of media (interactive)

Today I learned about the different forms as well as types of media (of both the interactive and non interactive varieties), this includes video games (such as Sonic The Hedgehog and Doom) where the interactive element comes in the form of pressing buttons on a controller (or a keyboard and mouse if you prefer PCContinue reading “Types and forms of media (interactive)”

Branding Research and Development

Introduction Brand awareness relates to how many people are aware of what your brand is, for example, lots of people are very aware of what a “Disney” is where as not as many people would know what an “Intelevision” is. In short, the more people that are aware of your brand, the more money you’reContinue reading “Branding Research and Development”

Advert Research and Development

What are Ads dad? well you see my son(s) and/or daughter(s), adverts are what people and companies use to try and sell you products such as games (of most varieties from video games to board games), movies (in cinemas, on home media and on streaming services), cars (by which I mean every version of theContinue reading “Advert Research and Development”

The Production of The Stair-devil Radio Drama

Before production we did some research to gauge an Idea of what a radio drama actually is, here’s a link to a source you could use to find out more and even listen to some samples: (though do keep in mind that this wasn’t quite my original source, just saying) over the past fewContinue reading “The Production of The Stair-devil Radio Drama”

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