The Production of The Master Piece

Ok, here’s where I can begin the process of creating my final animation project (for this unit) which I am currently calling “The Space-Ventures of The Generive Crew.” I got the name from combing both “Mega-Drive” and “Genesis” into one word. (and yes, I do mean the classic SEGA console) every good story starts withContinue reading “The Production of The Master Piece”

Research: And the Survey says…

I’ve created a survey to help me plan for my animation project. first I had to plan my questions about the animation field ahead of time and then I put the whole thing into a word document and printed it out for everyone in the class to complete. for question 1, 4 people said comedy/satireContinue reading “Research: And the Survey says…”

Animated Research and Development

This is where you’ll find all the research (including different types and some of the history behind them) and experimentation I’m doing for the animation portion of this course What Is Animation In General? Animation is a sequence of still frames (hence the term motion picture) moving really fast (often 24 frames per second) toContinue reading “Animated Research and Development”

Practical Experiment: Stop Motion. Revenge of the GIF’s

Today we all found out we we’re going to do a 2 units on the greatest medium of all time, (drum roll) Animation! we started out by constructing a stop motion animation from pre-made frames in Photoshop. this was to help us get use to the timeline tool in Photoshop. the sample animation was ofContinue reading “Practical Experiment: Stop Motion. Revenge of the GIF’s”

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