Evaluative Billboards

Ok, what secondary research did I do? So in terms of secondary research I looked up a bunch of actual billboard campaigns and evaluated what I thought made them work so well (and in the case of the 2018 Grinch movie, how it could easily be faked.) I also did some research into the specialContinue reading “Evaluative Billboards”

My Hair brain Scheme for project 2 (Planning)

well my hair brain scheme for this project is to design an ad campaign to raise awareness towards Slamination Studios via billboards, here are some designs I made to possibly be used to aid my goals for Design 1 I chose to have it where the characters are leaving their universe and walking towards anotherContinue reading “My Hair brain Scheme for project 2 (Planning)”

Unit 4: Researching for advertising influences (AKA: when Advert Jazz get Manipulative)

While adverts can and SOMETIMES are used ethically and responsibly, there is a dark side to some advertising campaigns that is a pathway to many dark manipulations, some of which are considered unethical, Star Wars references aside this social influence can be very easily manipulated to an advertiser’s advantage, this has potentially dangerous ramifications thatContinue reading “Unit 4: Researching for advertising influences (AKA: when Advert Jazz get Manipulative)”

Branding Research and Development

Introduction Brand awareness relates to how many people are aware of what your brand is, for example, lots of people are very aware of what a “Disney” is where as not as many people would know what an “Intelevision” is. In short, the more people that are aware of your brand, the more money you’reContinue reading “Branding Research and Development”

Evaluation of this Logo

Two pieces of Primary research I did in order to help this project come together are a focus group and a questionnaire, you can find out more about the results of those on their respective posts in this category (you can also find another questionable related post in the animation category, the post is calledContinue reading “Evaluation of this Logo”

the production of the Slamimation Studios logo

These are my initial designs for the Slamination Studios Logo. The final design will take some inspiration from the first one while taking feedback from the others All good studios need a mascot, Disney has Mickey, Warner bros has Bugs Bunny, Nintendo has Mario and Sega has Sonic the Hedgehog. Slamination Studios will have aContinue reading “the production of the Slamimation Studios logo”

My creative media logo

I will call my company Slamination Stuidos (as you no doubt know from previous blog-post), this name (considering how I came up with it before deciding a theme) has decidedly had an influence on my theme which has ended up being cartoon basketball because “Slam” = a slam dunk and “Imation” = Animation, hence theContinue reading “My creative media logo”

Research Reflection

Summary of research – What have you researched to help you gain knowledge about your target audience? The research I did involved some secondary research into types of audiences, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC for short), random films and some facts about them, communication methods and even unique selling points. I also createdContinue reading “Research Reflection”

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