The Questionnaire Reflection-aire

Why do a questionnaire anyway? Well you see dear reader, questionnaires serve the primary purpose of helping creators and companies decide what should go into their project. (for example, if a question on said questionnaire were about which genre people prefer and most end up saying Sci-Fi, then the company would have more reason toContinue reading “The Questionnaire Reflection-aire”

Secondary Logo Research

our first Logo we’ll be discussing today is Paramount Pictures (AKA The ruiners of Sonic) Their first logo with the mountain was created in the year 1912 and is an Idealized version of a place called Ben Lomond Mountain as a direct inspiration of the company founder William Wadsworth Hodkinson’s childhood. The mountain itself wouldContinue reading “Secondary Logo Research”

Primary and Secondary Research

There are many differences between both primary and secondary research. Primary research is where the brunt of the work is done by you and/or your research group to get the results by doing things such as Questionnaires, Focus Groups, Science Experiments and even Test screenings, (in the case of the movie studios) Primary research isContinue reading “Primary and Secondary Research”

Mindmap and Moodboard

The Reason this mood-board exists is because it will allow me to get random inspiration for my potential logo for my soon to be hot new animation studio, Slamination Studios (which is themed around cartoons and basketball because “Slam” is derived from a Slam Dunk, and “imation” derives from the word Animation. this Mood-board mayContinue reading “Mindmap and Moodboard”

Creative Media Company Logo Research and Development- The Intro Guide

our project this season is to create a logo for our own personal company. for this I’ll need to do extensive research on logo themes (because who in their right mind would have a western logo when making sci-fi movies), audiences (as well as how to communicate with said audiences) and even previous logos asContinue reading “Creative Media Company Logo Research and Development- The Intro Guide”

Methods of Communication

if this blog post seems uncharacteristically short, the word document wouldn’t save (sorry for being a copy paster) Text Messaging Text Messages are messages that you can receive on your phone (the most common texting device), these consist of words and/or emojis but if your using something like WhatsApp you can send pictures, audio files,Continue reading “Methods of Communication”

Types of Audience

What do we mean by audience? Audiences are the people that view the work of either companies or individual people be it music (either on the radio or in concert), movies (in cinemas, on streaming services or even on DVD/Blu-Ray/VHS/Betamax/Laserdisc), games (both digital and non digital), blogs (such as the one you’re viewing right now)Continue reading “Types of Audience”

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