
alright, now that production is over for this website I can sit back, relax and look back on the steps I’ve taken with a critical eye. I’m going to be honest, I thought I’d get this done much sooner than I did because I thought “heeeeeey, I’m doing a website, I can get much moreContinue reading “Web-Valuation”

yaah, It’s De-sign time

Ok, this is it hot shot, the part I’m supposed to be really really good at because I’ve done it so much in the past, it’s design time. and if you don’t believe me, here is some of my previous jazz I’ve done over the years: now that that’s established, let’s begin our designing frenzyContinue reading “yaah, It’s De-sign time”

My Project workflow and other planning documents

week 1-1 while a Project management document is important and it will be the driving force behind the workflow of the project, it is also important to have a workflow chart (which we’ve been learning about this week) to help you on the way, typical work flow charts look like what you see below (minusContinue reading “My Project workflow and other planning documents”

My fantasy project plan

here are some Ideas I’ve been cooking up for a power point presentation I’ve been making: Idea 1: a short interactive game made in Dreams on PS4 This Idea could feature a bunch of newly made characters, the main ones being an elf, a pop star and a cowboy, who find themselves on a dimensionallyContinue reading “My fantasy project plan”

research into interactive media and fantasy (Plus Fantasy Ideas)

this post will be dedicated to my research and experimentation into the world of interactive media as well as a general fantasy research (plus I’ll get to show off some Ideas that I’ll be cooking up for this project) the first thing I’m doing is experimenting with creating a Wix website (which means yet anotherContinue reading “research into interactive media and fantasy (Plus Fantasy Ideas)”

Types and forms of media (interactive)

Today I learned about the different forms as well as types of media (of both the interactive and non interactive varieties), this includes video games (such as Sonic The Hedgehog and Doom) where the interactive element comes in the form of pressing buttons on a controller (or a keyboard and mouse if you prefer PCContinue reading “Types and forms of media (interactive)”

The Creation of The Controleromic 3000

Today Mr Burns (not the Simpsons one) assigned us a task to create a poster for a new video game controller, first we had to make a rough sketch of what our hypothetical controller would look like, I chose to create a controller where you could remove and swap the buttons around as well asContinue reading “The Creation of The Controleromic 3000”

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