Generive: Refueled

so I’ve been working on a Super Sheep game in my spare time (which I hope to get out within the next few years), I’ve actually been in the process of re-booting development so that I can actually have a plan you may notice that this section is dedicated to cut-scenes labelled as being forContinue reading “Generive: Refueled”

Rayman and Julia Vs Super Smash Bros: the script (we’re fishing fishing fishi- oh, it’s just copyright infringement again, C’mon scoob)

Text: Thursday, November 1st 2018. The final Smash bros direct before launch on December 7th 2018) (The first thing we see is an establishing shot of Ubisoft HQ) (We then get a sweeping shot of the devs working on hot new piles of garbage, and maybe the savoir Rayman 4? But probably not) (We thenContinue reading “Rayman and Julia Vs Super Smash Bros: the script (we’re fishing fishing fishi- oh, it’s just copyright infringement again, C’mon scoob)”

The Misadventures of Rayman and Julia: the script (Full of Copyright Infringement and lots of dated references Scoob)

Time: 2017 Cast: Rayman (gotta get to Nintendo fast), Julia (she has autism and gets roped into Rayman’s adventure), The Rabbids (BWAAAAAAH), Mario “Jump man” Mario (Rayman’s target), Globox (Rayman’s best friend), Luigi Mario (Still Mario’s Brother), Agent Ed (straight outta Tonic Trouble), Roddy St James (because flushed away), Rita (the sewer rat), Shadow theContinue reading “The Misadventures of Rayman and Julia: the script (Full of Copyright Infringement and lots of dated references Scoob)”

Nick and Judy time force adventures: the movie: the script (It’s still full of Copyright Infringement Scoob)

Time period: umm it’s a time travel movie who cares Characters: Nick Wilde (shifty smart fox), Judy Hopps (ZPD’s first rabbit officer), Ratchet (Lombax mechanic and weapons expert), Clank (war bot defect with a soul and friend to Ratchet), dream cast sonic (fast hedgehog from 2001 who’s had a major setback), classic Mario 1985 (justContinue reading “Nick and Judy time force adventures: the movie: the script (It’s still full of Copyright Infringement Scoob)”

RayMan and Sesame Street at the copyright games

Ahhh yes, the one I hinted at at the top of this personal jazz category, the time I tried to bring Sesame Street and the RayMan series together for yet another bombastic crossover that’s more ambitious than infinity war (though like with Nick and Judy’s little skirmish, the story itself is original at LEAST) nowContinue reading “RayMan and Sesame Street at the copyright games”

That Time I took Nick, Judy Ratchet and Clank time travelling

This one requires some explaining, for you see, this is a story where time travel is the main focus, however. You may have noticed that Nick and Judy appear in Super Tommorow 3D Land and Matilda 64 Draft 1, before I decided to cut them from that story in favour of The Night Pig andContinue reading “That Time I took Nick, Judy Ratchet and Clank time travelling”

Matilda 64 the movie: the script Draft 2 (full of copyright infringement still)

(we start off in Green Hill Zone from Sonic 1 with 2d animation) (Sonic then runs past the camera) (The camera then follows Sonics’ movements) (A Red Shell from Mario then comes Sonics’ way) (Sonic then jumps over this Red Shell) Sonic: looks like old plumber boy here wants to play rough, fine, we’ll playContinue reading “Matilda 64 the movie: the script Draft 2 (full of copyright infringement still)”

Matilda 64 the movie: the script: Draft 1 (the worst of the bunch)

Time period: august 2nd 1996 Characters: Matilda Wormwood (super smart girl who gains telepathic powers), Mario (top dog and the standard of the 3D video game movement, Sonics’ biggest rival), sonic (sarcastic wise guy with a “get it done right and get it done now” attitude, Mario’s biggest rival), Miss Trunchbull (worst headmistress ever andContinue reading “Matilda 64 the movie: the script: Draft 1 (the worst of the bunch)”

Super Tomorrow 3D Land: The Movie: The script: The Movie: The Script (Old, irrelevant and full of copyright infringement)

Characters n stuff: Casey Newton (the optimistic teen), frank walker (boy genius gone pessimist), Athena(the robot girl of no age), governor nix (future government villain guy), sonic the hedgehog (the fastest (and glitchiest) thing alive), Super Mario (princess rescuing plumber war hero), Pac man (ghost gobbler), Mega (Rock) Man (robotic hero and master copier), MilesContinue reading “Super Tomorrow 3D Land: The Movie: The script: The Movie: The Script (Old, irrelevant and full of copyright infringement)”

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