Radios 2: Familial ground re-tread

Alright children, now we’re going to do a radio advert for Sello-Tape (which in my case, means re-doing the video advert and making it appropriate for radios), this will also give you some insight into what a re-hash is Unfortunately I may not get this done in time for the final major project Here’s TheContinue reading “Radios 2: Familial ground re-tread”

The Production of The Stair-devil Radio Drama

Before production we did some research to gauge an Idea of what a radio drama actually is, here’s a link to a source you could use to find out more and even listen to some samples: (though do keep in mind that this wasn’t quite my original source, just saying) over the past fewContinue reading “The Production of The Stair-devil Radio Drama”

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