The sacred Self Destruct Sequence

Ok, so this time, I need to make a self destruct video (except now that I’ve lost all the time so now this project is doomed) luckily I at least managed to make the script for this video finished, here’s a look at what could have been: Video-Splosions United Sam Grodon INT. HERBAL’S LIVING ROOM.Continue reading “The sacred Self Destruct Sequence”

The Production of the Sellotape advert

When Producing an advert, it’s important to know how long the ad is going to be, well, that’s an important step for all media but it is doubly so on an advert because advert space on the TV, Radio and/or the internet actually costs the companies quite a bit of money (somewhere roughly in theContinue reading “The Production of the Sellotape advert”

Advert Research and Development

What are Ads dad? well you see my son(s) and/or daughter(s), adverts are what people and companies use to try and sell you products such as games (of most varieties from video games to board games), movies (in cinemas, on home media and on streaming services), cars (by which I mean every version of theContinue reading “Advert Research and Development”

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